- Synthesis of TS-1 Nanocrystals on Silica Gel via Steam-assisted Dry Gel Conversion Method 蒸气促进干胶法合成硅胶负载的TS-1纳米晶
- Dry gel conversion method 干胶转化
- Results and conclusion This method can achieve quick and complete decoloration,and the dry gel so obtained is smooth and last longer. 结果与结论本法所用脱色液脱色彻底?快速,所制干胶光滑平整,保存时间长。
- To convert a type, a user of the type invokes a conversion method (of the IConvertible contract) on the type. 为转换类型,类型的用户对类型调用转换方法(属于IConvertible协定)。
- And numeric values, be sure that you understand the conversion method you choose. 和数值混合在一起,请确保您了解所选的转换方法。
- With the phase conversion method,SiO_2 filled PU hybrid ultrafiltration membrane was prepared. 以聚氨酯为基质,添加二氧化硅及界面改性剂,通过湿法相转化法制备聚氨酯杂化超滤膜。
- Based on the character between XML(eXtensible Markup Language) and RDB(Relational DataBase),the conversion method is presented,and illuminating the process with examples. 从XML与关系数据库的特点入手,描述了两者之间的相互转换方法,并且以实例说明了XML与数据库的转换过程。
- Based on the solution to univariate cubic equation,this paper puts forward a rigorous coordinate conversion method from geocentric system to geodetic system. 基于一元三次方程的求解,给出了地心坐标向大地坐标转换的严密计算公式,并用算例说明了其正确性。
- The change law of NH + 4 influence in the first and second stage reaction process of potassium sulfate production by conversion method is studied in this paper. 文章中采用正交实验设计的方法,研究了在磷石膏转化法制硫酸钾第一、二阶段反应过程中的NH+4影响变化规律。
- This conversion method has some features, such as low cost, safety and less pollution, meeting the requirements of cleaner production, and can be applied to production. 本研究的无氰转化方法具有成本低、安全、污染少等特点,达到了电镀清洁生产的要求,可在生产中应用。
- It brings forward the fast conversion method to the coordinate system of map data in Hangzhou city,designs the corresponding algorithm,and describes the operation process. 提出了杭州市地图数据坐标系统的快速转换方法,设计了相应的算法,并叙述了实施过程与步骤。
- Because of this, on the tristimulus value conversion methods research. 侧因为如此,不差不一刺激值的变更办法息了许多的查究。
- This paper studies preparation method of potassium sulfate using ferrous sulfate (a by\|product of titanium white) and potassium chloride as matenial by ferric patassium alum conversion method. 以钛白副产绿矾和氯化钾为原料,采取硫酸铁钾转化法制备硫酸钾。
- At present, the data can not be changed and visit in different system. The article proposes a solution based on XML heterogeneous data sources logistics information system mutual conversion method. 摘要针对不同物流信息系统的数据不能互访和转换的情况,提出一种基于XML解决异构物流信息系统数据源互相转换问题的方法。
- Two conversion methods are applicable, and the compiler is unable to decide which one to use. 有两个转换方法可以使用,编译器无法确定使用哪一个。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- To ensure the application of self-balanced pile test in collapsible loess, a conversion method of self-balanced pile test under the influence of negative skin friction was put forward. 摘要为了保证自平衡测试法在湿陷性黄土地区的应用,提出了在桩侧负摩阻力影响下桩承载力的自平衡测试结果转换方法。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The conversion methods of linguistic communication consist of chunking up, chunking down and chunking laterally. 语言沟通中的话语转换方法包括上调、下调和平调。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。