- Be particularly careful when driving at night. 晚上开车要。
- Excessive driving at night ages a car battery. 过多地在夜间开车会使汽车的蓄电池老化。
- The professor suffers from progressive nyctalopia; as a result, he can no longer drive at night. 教授患有日益严重的夜盲症,因此,他不能再在晚上开车了。
- Well, if you're a poor driver you oughtn't to try driving at night. 既然你车子开得不好,那么你晚上就不应当试着开车嘛。
- The initiates were enormously happy with this news, but the authorities thought it unwise to drive at night as the road was still dangerous. 同修听到这个消息都非常高兴。不过,政府当局认为在路况依然险恶的情况下,贸然在夜间行驶是不智之举。
- Driving at night or in the half light of dusk and dawn can be more difficult than driving during the day. 在夜间或黄昏,以及在黎明半明半暗之际驾驶,较日间更吃力。
- It was necessary, when driving at night, to keep a sharp look out for the boulders which frequently rolled down the steep slopes on either hand. 夜晚开车时必须高度注意经常从公路两旁陡坡上滚下的巨石。
- And I thought their class was excellent.Because they even drove at night and leant to repair car if they were broken. 我认为他们的课程很好,因为他们甚至要学习如何在夜间驾驶,而且还要学习一些修理汽车的技术。
- Please prepare enough lighting when passing by the dark mountain road and be carful on driving at night. 夜间山路幽暗请自备照明设备并注意行车安全。
- He usually drives at a moderate speed. 他通常中速驾驶。
- Some young motorists show "an alarming disregard" for their own and others safety when driving at night, an AA Motoring Trust report reveals. 摘要:英国汽车协会驾驶分会最新公布的一份调查报告显示,该国部分年轻人在晚间驾车时行为极其卤莽。
- Have build-in vibration sensor. When the car is driven at night, four lights will shine alternately; and when the car stops, they will go to a stand-by situation automatically. 内置振动感应器,夜晚车行驶时个灯交替闪烁;车静止时,它会进入自动待机状态。
- I sometimes drive at night. 我有时在晚上开车。
- Do you ever take the subway alone late at night? 你有没有在深夜单独乘过地铁?
- We used to hear the train whistle at night. 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。
- This music's easy on the ear late at night. 这音乐夜晚听起来很好听。
- I will beware of strong tea at night. 我要注意晚上不喝浓茶。
- Police patrol the streets at night. 警察晚间在街道上巡逻。
- He's afraid of going out/to go out alone at night. 他害怕夜晚独自出去。
- It drives at about 100 kilometers an hour. 它以每小时100公里的速度行驶。