- Drink was his downfall. 酒是使他毁灭的原因。
- Drink was his father's ruin and it will be the ruin of him too! 酗酒是他父亲毁灭的原因,他也将遭同样的厄运!
- If he does not do this, his conceit and insolence will be his downfall. 否则,他的骄傲和放肆,必然会把自己淹死。
- But almost everybody agrees on one thing: His downfall was his honesty. 然而,有一点每个人都同意:他的倒霉源于他的率直。
- Drink was his father's ruin and it will be the ruin of him too!. 酗酒是他父亲毁灭的原因;他也将遭同样的厄运!.
- If he does not do this,his conceit and insolence will be his downfall. 否则,他的骄傲和放肆,必然会把自己淹死。
- His downfall was caused by gambling and drink. 他的身败名裂是由赌博和酗酒造成的。
- He had told Tu Chu-chai that Wu Sun-fu's obstinacy and over-confidence would be his downfall. 他说荪甫那样的刚愎自信是祸根。
- There is a great evil which I have seen under the sun--wealth kept by the owner to be his downfall. 我见日光之下,有一宗大祸患,就是财主积存赀财,反害自己。
- Goku is eager to fight Junior, but Kami fears his inexperience will be his downfall. 悟空迫切地期待着和新生的短笛一战,但是神仙担心他的经验缺乏可能会导致他的失败。
- Drink was his downfall 他的潦倒是因为酗酒。
- Drink brought about his downfall. 酗酒导致他的沉沦。
- Pride was his downfall. 骄傲是他垮台的原因。
- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
- His vanity was his downfall. 他因虚荣心太重而垮台。
- His enemies engineered his downfall. 他的仇敌图谋把他搞垮。
- The drink was mixed with aromatic spices. 饮料中带有香料。
- His vanity brought his downfall. 他因虚荣心太重而垮台。
- The lemon drink was for the most part of water. 那柠檬饮料多半成分是水。
- Gambling was his downfall. 赌博是他堕落的缘由。