- His dream of being a movie star became true. 他成为影星的梦想实现了。
- Cosmo Star is a magazine about attitude of stars. The office ladies will realize their own dream of being a star after reading it. 用明星名流谈论时尚及生活方式的态度杂志,实现白领女性的明星梦想。
- His dream of being a doctor has come true. 他当医生的愿望实现了。
- At last his dream of being a doctor had come true. 他要当医生的梦想终于实现了。
- But he had a dream of being a disc jockey. 但他却一直梦想成为一名电台音乐节目主持人。
- Many young girls dream of being a fashion model. 许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。
- Many young girls dream of being a fashion mode. 许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。
- I dream of being a successful salesman. 我梦想成为一名成功的推销员。
- One night, he had a dream of being a butterfly. 庄子是古代的圣人,一天晚上,他梦见自己是蝴蝶。
- I stick to my dream of being a good runner. 我一直梦想成为一名好的赛跑运动员。
- Whether your dreams are grand or modest, whether you dream of material and social success, of traveling, of having a family or of being a star, you should integrate your dreams into your real life rather than consider them unattainable. 无论你的梦想伟大还是渺小、无论你的梦想是获得物质利益、社会名誉、旅游、拥有一个家庭或者成为明星,你必须得是:把你的梦想和实际生活融合起来,而不是始终把它们看作是不可能实现的。
- Florence Nightingale dreamed of being a nurse. 弗罗伦斯?南丁格尔梦想着成为一名护士。
- He often dreamed of being a political leader. 他经常梦想成为一个政治领袖。
- This little boy dreams of being a police officer. 这个小男孩特别向往警营的生活。
- At what age did you dream of becoming a star? 几岁开始发明星梦?
- At last he realized his dream of being a famous diplomat. 最终他实现了做一个有名的外交家的梦想。
- Dream of Being a Star 明星梦想
- When I was a child,I dreamed of being a airhostess. 从很小的时候起;我的梦想就是成为一名空姐.
- But he had a dream of being an astronaut. 一名澳大利亚人,梅森先生被控欠债!
- Carl tell me how is being a star. 卡尔,跟我说说当明星的感觉吧。