- Drawing Foreign Capital 招商引资
- mode of drawing foreign capital 引进外资方式
- What do your absorption of foreign capital cover? 贵方吸引外资包括哪些范围?
- We need foreign capital,but we'll never rely on it. 我们需要外资,但决不依赖它。
- Economic and Trade Superiority Complementary between China and Arab Countries and Policies of Drawing Foreign Capitals for Our Middle and West Area 中阿经贸优势互补与我中西部引资策略
- The country tried to shake off the control of foreign capital. 这个国家试图摆脱外国资本的控制。
- I proposed that we thoroughly research how to use foreign capital. 我提议充分研究一下怎样利用外资的问题。
- How Does Foreign Capital Stimulate China's Economic Growth? 外资怎样推动中国经济增长
- Question: Foreign Capital Merger--Where is the Breakthrough? 提问:外资并购哪里打开突破口?
- Opinion: What Does China Gain from Foreign Capital Mergers? 思考:中国从外资并购中获得什么?
- The State will expand the trial of BOT and start the trial of TOT in drawing foreign investment. 积极扩大西部地区以BOT方式利用外资的试点,开展以tot方式利用外资的试点。
- Foreign Capital Policy (FCP) is part of Government policies. 外资政策属政府政策的一部分。
- The issue of B shares and H shares helped to draw 770 million US dollars worth of foreign capital. 通过发行B股、H股共吸收外资7.;7亿美元。
- This year A-share market outshines the performance of financial storm is drawing in foreign capital to move closer to each. 今年以来A股市场一枝独秀的表现,正吸引着金融风暴中的各路外资靠拢。
- The purpose of our advertising is to draw foreign customers'interest and keep hold of their attention. 我们做广告的目的是引起外国客商的兴趣,并且使他们的关注持久。
- Why Foreign Capitals keep flowing into China? 近期中国外汇收支形势的变化、影响及对策?
- The issue of 16 B shares and H shares helped to draw 18.2 billion yuan worth of foreign capital,an increase of 11.2 billion yuan. 发行B股、H股共16只,筹集资金182亿元,增加112亿元。
- Absorption of foreign capital is an essential part of our business activity. 吸收外资是我们贸易活动中的重要部分。
- What is the factor determining the scope of your absorption of foreign capital? 贵方吸引外资的范围取决于什么因素?
- Through drawing foreign ship or goods pass through the territory of a country, from which cost of collection freight, groundage, treatment, get certain benefit. 通过吸引外国船只或货物过境,从中收取运费、停泊费、加工费等,获取一定的效益。