- Draw or Sheathe a Weapon 抽出或收回武器
- A protective covering or sheath. 鞘一种保护性的覆盖物或套
- A metal tip or mounting on a scabbard or sheath. 扣钩匕首套或剑鞘的金属包头或底托
- He roped up the long sticks as a weapon. 他把长棍用绳子捆在一起当武器用。
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?
- To plunge or thrust(a weapon) into flesh. 把(武器)插入或刺入肉体
- To draw or make a graphic representation of. 画或作图示画或做一个图解式的陈述
- To salute with(a weapon, such as a rifle or saber. 致意(用武器,例如步枪和军刀)
- The firing or discharge of a weapon, such as a gun. 射击一件武器,比如一支枪的开火或发射。
- Bringing a weapon or firearm into the test center. 带武器进入考场。
- To salute with(a weapon,such as a rifle or saber. 致意(用武器,例如步枪和军刀)
- To salute with(a weapon, such as a rifle or saber). 致意(用武器,例如步枪和军刀)
- Whether a gun is a weapon of offence or a weapon of defense depends on which end of it you are at. 枪是攻击武器还是防御武器,要看你的目的而定。
- A heavy straight stick or club thrown as a weapon by aborigines. (作武器用的)木棍土著作为武器投掷的重而直的棍或棒
- A heavy broad-headed ax formerly used as a weapon. 战斧一种重的,顶部宽的斧头,曾用作武器
- Be this the original drawing or is it a copy. 这是原画还是模本。
- To fire or explode (a weapon or an explosive charge). 发射或使爆炸(武器或爆炸性弹药)
- At a pinch this can be used as a weapon. 必要时,这家伙可当武器用。
- To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body;crouch. 缩在一起,蹲把四肢收拢或抱紧身体;蜷曲
- To a Jedi, a lightsaber is not just a weapon. 对于一个绝地来说,光剑不仅仅是一种武器。