- To draw lessons from history, make an analysis of current situation and discuss the relationship between prevention flu pandemic and creating an harmonious society. 通过总结历史教训,分析目前可能引起流感大流行的原因,展开预防流感大流行与共建和谐社会关系的讨论。
- To mostly alleviate the geopolitical pressure of China as an ocean-continental one, we must draw lessons from history and defer to the rules of geopolitics to formulate correct geopolitical strategy. 中国要最大限度地缓解陆海兼备国家带来的地缘政治压力,一定要吸取历史教训,尊重地缘政治规律,制定正确的地缘战略。
- We have learned our lesson from history. 我们懂得历史的经验教训。
- Ningde SHE folk culture has rich content, it's the major basis of the investigation, study and draw lessons from the SHE's history and culture. 摘要宁德畲族民俗文化内涵丰富,是调查、研究和借鉴畲族历史文化的主要依据。
- We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it. 我们可以从过去吸取教训,但我们不能沉湎于过去。
- This time I draw lessons from failure and stop speculating. 这次,我吸取教训,不再投机。
- It argues that macroeconomics, too, should draw lessons from psychology. 这本书认为,宏观经济学也应该从心理学中吸取教训。
- Draw Lessons from History 以史为鉴
- We should, of course, draw lessons from the dire straits welfare states find themselves in. 不过,我们的确也应吸取福利国当前面对困境的教训。
- Drawing lessons from wrongness is an important part of education. 2谚语是从长期经验中获得的短句。
- It is not desirable to get down. You should draw lessons from the failure, keep up your spirits and do your work well. 垂头丧气是不可取的,你应该从失败中吸取教训,振作精神,做好工作。
- Turning to chapter 11, it starts with several verses that draw lessons from natural events of life. 翻到11章,开始用了几个经节通过生活中自然界给出了教训。
- The lively feeling of life, the profound lessons from history, the splendid colours of the time, interweave into a sentimental knot, tight and unable to be untied. 生命鲜活的感受,历史深厚的借鉴,时代缤纷的色彩,纵横交织为一个紧绾而无法解开的情结。
- Is It Possible for Transitional East European Countries to Draw Lessons from the East Asian "Strong Government Model"? 东欧转轨国家可以借鉴东亚模式的"强政府"吗?
- Whenever something unhappy happens, I can choose to be a victim, but I can choose to draw lessons from it as well. 每次什么不愉快的事情发生时,我可以选择成为一个牺牲品,也可以选择从中吸取教训。
- End, and draw lessons from domestic and international experience, put forward conceiving only. 最后,并借鉴国内外的经验,提出了自己的设想。
- Review the history of this one development of Shanghai economy, to the economy of Shanghai grows now not without draw lessons from a meaning benignantly. 回顾上海经济的这一发展历史,对于今日上海的经济发展不无有益的借鉴意义。
- The practice that grain of Lu state city changes, draw lessons from benignantly to deepening reform to offer. 泸州市粮改的实践,对深化改革提供了有益借鉴。
- Without the case that can draw lessons from, li Jinji and associate began exploration. 没有可借鉴的案例,李晋吉和伙伴开始了探索。
- drawing lessons from history 以史为鉴