- Drag the columns to size. 拖动列,调整到所需大小。
- In the Width box, select a width for the outline code, or click Best Fit to size the width of the column to the title. 在“宽度”框中,为大纲代码选择宽度,或单击“最佳匹配”将列宽设为与标题同宽。
- Specifies the columns to be returned by the query. 指定查询返回的列。
- When you enable column reordering, users can move a column to a new position by dragging the column header with the mouse. 当您启用列重新排序时,用户可以用鼠标拖动列标题,将某个列移动到一个新的位置。
- Name of the column to be averaged. 要平均化的列的名称。
- To see the columns Dept, Shift and EmployeeID. Drag the Dept field onto the. 将Dept字段拖到表中第一列的中间行上。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小顺序排列这些书。
- Drag the column border to the left to reduce its width or to the right to increase its width. 将该列边框向左拖动以缩小其宽度,或向右拖动以增加其宽度。
- Right-click on the column header and select the Field Chooser .Then drag the field name you want into the headings row. 在列表头上单击右键,选择“字段选择器”,然后将所需的字段名拖到标题行中。
- Please arrange the books according to size. 请按大小将书分类。
- Select NamedRange in the drop-down list, and then drag the CompanyName column to cell A1. 在下拉列表中选择“NamedRange”,然后将“CompanyName”列拖动到单元格“A1”。
- To add columns to a table view, use the Field Chooser. On the View menu, click Field Chooser, and then drag the field name you want into the headings row. 要将列添加到表格视图,请使用“字段选择器”。在“视图”菜单中,淡季“字段选择器”,然后拖动所需的字段名到标题行中。
- Right-click on the column header, select the Field Chooser , and then drag the field name you want into the headings row. 右键单击列标题,选择“字段选择器”,然后将所需的字段名拖到标题行中。
- He attempted to size up the reaction of the audience. 他试图对听众的反应作出估计。
- Moving a field down in the list moves the column to the right. 在列表中下移域会使列向右移动。
- Property to 0, specifying the column index of the column to hide. 属性设置为0,并指定要隐藏的列的列索引来隐藏列。
- Now, drag the card to your character. 现在,拖卡片到你的人物上。
- Collection, specifying the column index of the column to delete. 方法,指定要删除列的列索引。
- They stored the eggs as to size and colour. 他们按鸡蛋的大小和颜色分别把它们贮存起来。
- The SET clause specifies the columns to be updated, and their new values. SET子句指定将被更新的列和它们的新值。