- Double lines width ridge 大垄双行
- double line width ridge 大垄双行种植
- Researched on Characteristics of Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristic of Maize Planting in Double Lines at One Width Ridge 大垄双行种植玉米群体冠层结构及光合特性的解析
- Characteristic Research of Canopy Structure and Micro-Environment of Maize Colony Planted in Double Line at One Width Ridge 玉米大垄双行种植群体冠层结构及其微环境特性的研究
- However, the trend of line width is dispersive. 然而,线宽的变化趋势呈分散性。
- The opening formed by such a doubled line. 圆孔这样的折叠的绳子所形成的圈
- Draws a rectangle with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个矩形。
- Draws a round rectangle with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个圆角矩形。
- Draws an ellipse with the selected line width and color. 使用选定的线宽和颜色绘制一个椭圆。
- He looked at the double line of peasants and he spat on the ground. 他望望两排农民,朝地上啐了一口唾沫。
- You can right-click again to switch back to double line ducts. 您可以再次右键单击管道形状以切换回双线管道。
- Valid range of values for the annotation line width is 1 to 999, inclusive. 批注线宽值的有效范围为从 1 到 999,包括 1 和 999。
- Assigns an output line width to a file opened using the FileOpen function. 为用FileOpen函数打开的文件分配输出行宽。
- In astronomical situations, the natural line width is seldom directly observed. 在天文学研究中,谱线固有宽度很少能直接观测到。
- Line width of the current list in the list buffer during list creation. 当清单建立时,在清单缓冲区中的行长度。
- "Kids" and "pandas" swing toward the center, coming to a halt in a double line. “小山羊”和“熊猫”队队员迅速走向球场中央,止步成双行站立。
- Well, just right outside of the doubles line. 就在双打区外面阿。
- What sort of suit are you after exactly,the one with single line of buttons or double lines? 您究竟要哪种西服,单排扣的还是双排扣的?
- The Pen object stores attributes, such as line width and color, of the item to be drawn. Pen对象存储要绘制项的属性,如线宽和颜色。
- Width ridge and furrow irrigation 宽垄沟灌