- The Doppler redshift and the cosmological redshift are governed by two distinct formulas. 都卜勒红移和宇宙学红移是由两个截然不同的准则所支配。
- The cosmological redshift is not a normal Doppler shift. 宇宙学的红移并不是平常的都卜勒偏移。
- doppler redshift 多普勒红移
- The redshift caused by the expansion is often confused with the more familiar redshift generated by the Doppler effect. 膨胀所造成的红移,常会和我们比较熟悉的都卜勒效应所产生的红移搞混。
- The foreground galaxy lies at a redshift of 0.39. 前台银河在于在红移为0.;39。
- The quasar lies at a redshift of 1.41. 类星体是在红移1.;41。
- The Multifunction Doppler Signal Simulator. 多功能的多普勒信号模拟器。
- Doppler Radar Observations of Dust Devils in Texas. 德克萨斯州沙尘暴的多普勒雷达观测。
- Design of the Doppler navigation system. 水下航行器的多普勒导航系统设计。
- CW Doppler fuse is a familiar type of fuses. 连续波多普勒引信是较为常见的一种引信。
- Few color Doppler flows were display in lipoma. 内部多无彩色血流信号。
- Spacetime must be somehow granular to tame the dubious infinite redshift. 时空必须要有某种颗粒性来驯服暧昧的无限红移。
- Misunderstandings about the relation between redshift and velocity abound. 关于红移与速度之间的关系,也有不少误解。
- Sometimes it can take years to sort out these Doppler observations. 有时候需要数年整理这些多普勒观察结果。
- This behavior leads to predictions of numerous strange phenomena, such as the reversal of the usual Doppler effect (traveling toward a wave results in a redshift instead of a blueshift). 这种特性使大家预测将出现许多奇特的现象,例如反转的都卜勒效应(朝向波而前进会造成红移,而不是蓝移)。
- Redshift is a measure of how fast a celestial object is moving relative to us. 红移可以用来计算一个天体相对我们运动的速度。
- Of,relating to,or using the Doppler effect or Doppler radar. 都普勒,克里斯蒂安·约翰1803-1853奥地利物理学家和数学家,于1842年首次阐述都普勒效应的原理
- This effect, known as gravitational redshift, is not specific to black holes. 这种称做重力红移的效应,并不是黑洞所特有。
- Simulation of Wake Vortex Detection with Airborne Doppler Lidar. 用机载多普勒激光雷达探测尾旋的模拟。
- Doppler tissue velocity imaging of tricuspid annulus in healthy p. 正常人三尖瓣环组织多普勒速度成像。