- Costs are shared between donor and recipient countries, funding institutions or third donor countries and FAO. 费用由捐赠国和受援国、供资机构或第三方捐赠国和粮农组织分担。
- It also found bults of the money bypasses the Afghan government and as much as 40 percent goes back to donor countries. 调查显示大部分钱都没有经手阿富汗政府,有40%25的钱又流回了捐助国。
- Nang said donor countries send the money directly to the printers, so they are responsible for checking quality. 朗说,赞助国家将资金直接寄给印刷商,因此质量检查是他们的责任。
- It says only 5 donor countries have met a longtime U.N. target for development aid. 报告称,只有5个国家达到了长期的联合国发展援助标准。
- Bertini urged donor countries to be more generous in order that WFP can properly complete its mission in Afghanistan in 2002. 贝尔蒂尼呼吁捐助国慷慨解囊,以使世界粮食计划署完成2002年对阿富汗新的援助使命。
- This decision broke the impasse between donor countries and Palestinian Autonomous Authorities that had lasted for nearly one year. 这一决定打破了援助国同巴自治领导机构之间延续将近一年的僵局。
- The Delegation stated that it supported the African Group's call for increased assistance to WIPO by way of funding by donor countries. 该代表团说它支持非洲集团关于通过援助国资助方式提高对WIPO的援助的请求。
- Mr.Strauss-Kahn also called on donor countries not to allow the deepening financial crisis to affect their commitment to the developing world. 斯特劳斯还号召援助国不要让日益加剧的金融危机影响到对发展中国家的援助承诺。
- The U.N. agency is offering technical assistance to many nations, and asking donor countries to increase donations and reprogram aid from other areas. 联合国粮农组织正在向很多国家提供技术援助,并要求捐赠国增加捐助,并从其它项目调拨援助。
- The IMF's Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said it is essential that aid donor countries should scale up support and not cut back. 国际货币基金组织声称,全球金融危机正在重创贫穷国家。
- I have reached out to donor countries, to UNITAID, to the GAVI Alliance, the World Bank and others to mobilize resources. 我已就调动资源问题与捐助国、国际药品采购机制、疫苗和免疫全球联盟、世界银行以及其它机构联系。
- The failure of the donor countries to honor their commitment is now the limiting factor in achieving the MDGs in Africa. 捐助国无法信守承诺,正是目前非洲无法迈向MDG的原因。
- Elvira Groll of Action Aid says the shortfall was revealed after the end of debt relief which she says donor countries used to highly inflate aid figures. “行动援助”机构的埃尔威拉.;格罗尔说,在减免穷国债务行动结束后,援助不足才显现出来。他说,捐助国常常过分夸大援助额度。
- As Derek Kilner reports from Nairobi, the agencies are calling on donor countries to provide more funds to stem a worsening crisis in Somalia, Ethiopia and other countries. 联合国机构呼吁捐赠国提供更多资金以解除索马里、埃塞俄比亚等国越来越严重的危机。
- As a member of the UN Mine Action Support Group (MASG), China works with other donor countries to explore new ways and means to promote international de-mining assistance efforts. 作为联合国“地雷行动支助小组”成员,中方与其他捐助国一道,积极探索国际扫雷援助的新方法、新途径。
- With almost half the year gone, officials in donor countries said, it was unlikely that the WFP would receive the money it says it needs to prevent hunger in many poor countries. 随着今年已接近过半,捐赠国官员表示,该机构不太可能获得它表示在许多穷国防止饥荒所需的资金。
- WHO's top bird flu official David Heymann said the WHO also was working with pharmaceutical companies and donor countries to build up a possible stockpile of vaccines. 世卫组织的最高禽流感官员大卫海曼说,世卫组织也正在与制药公司和捐赠国,以建立一个尽可能储存的疫苗。
- Human Rights Watch is calling on donor countries to increase economic, political and military assistance to Afghanistan, and for the government of President Hamid Karzai to disband illegal militias. 人权观察呼吁捐赠国增加对阿富汗在经济、治和军事领域内的帮助,并呼吁卡尔扎伊总统的政府解散非法民兵组织。
- One of the oldest problems bedevilling the business is the practice of “tied aid” (ie, requiring some of it be spent in the donor country). 援助工作中存在的一个根深蒂固的问题是存在“附带条件援助”的现象。
- But donor countries claimed that the Palestinian autonomous region lacks necessary mechanisms for handling the aid and accounting items and therefore refused to completely fulfill this promise. 但援助国声称,巴自治地区缺少必要的处理援助款的机制和会计帐目,因此拒绝完全履行这一承诺。