- Donna can sing after a fashion. 唐娜多少能唱一些歌
- He can sing a few English songs after a fashion. 他勉强能唱一些英语歌曲.
- I can play the piano after a fashion. 我多少会弹点钢琴。
- He can speak English after a fashion. 他多少能讲点英语。
- He can play the piano after a fashion. 他能弹点钢琴。
- Donna can sing some popular songs. 唐纳能唱流行歌曲。
- She sings after a fashion. 她勉强会唱一点
- Providence have make me a lady after a fashion. 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。
- I can play the piano, after a fashion. 我能弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎。
- He can speak and write English after a fashion. 他多少会说和写一点英语
- She can speak Russian after a fashion. 她勉强能讲点俄语。
- He can speak English, after a fashion. 他能讲英语, 讲得马马虎虎。
- Providence has made me a lady after a fashion. 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。
- Providence has made me a lady after a fashion . 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。
- He played tennis after a fashion. 他网球打得不好。
- He speaks English after a fashion. 他多少会讲一点英语。
- She knows English after a fashion. 她略知英语。
- I play football after a fashion. 我足球踢得不好。
- He is pleasant in conversation and witty after a fashion. 他谈话很悦人,且略具智慧。
- I'm no great shakes as a piano player, but I can sing well. 我弹钢琴并不怎么样,但唱歌我是不错的。