- Dog my cats! 见鬼!我可以赌咒!
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- Your vicious dog is menacing my cat! 你那条恶狗对我家的猫太凶了!
- My cat and dog live together in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗和睦相处。
- My cat's been very ill, poor old thing. 我的猫病得挺厉害,真可怜。
- My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。
- My cat had its ear ripped open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- I entrusted my cat to a friend while I was away. 我不在家时把猫托给朋友照料。
- My cat makes a punctual appearance at mealtimes. 我的猫一到用餐时间就会准时出现。
- My cat and dog never fight they live together in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗从来不打架,它们在一起和睦相处。
- My cat and dog never fight; they live together in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗从不打架,他们完全和睦地生活在一起。
- I entrust my cat to a friend while I am away. 我不在家时把猫托给朋友照料。
- Would you take care of my cat while I'm away? 我不在时,帮我照料我的猫咪好吗?
- I'm taking my cat to the vet to get her fixed. 我把我的猫带到兽医那儿去阉割。
- My cat unplugged my alarm clock. 我的猫把我的闹铃关了。
- My cat and dog never fight and they live together in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗从来不打架,它们在一起和睦相处。
- She kept dogging my tracks all the way to my home. 她一直跟踪我到我家。
- "As for my cats, they multiplied" (Daniel Defoe). “至于我的猫嘛,又生了许多只”(丹尼尔·笛福)。
- My cat is the epitome of laziness. 我的猫是懒惰的化身。