- As the old man stares down at the threadbare carpet, a mangy dog chews at scraps under the kitchen sink. 当这老人凝视脚下磨掉了毛的地毯时,一只脱了毛的狗正在厨房污水槽下嚼食残羹剩饭。
- Our major products are dog chews, chicken chews, dog collars and leashes, which are selling to Petsmart,Target in large volume. 我司目前的主要产品包括狗咬胶,鸡肉产品,狗带等,大量销往宠物超市,塔吉特超市等专业宠物用品商店。
- TaiChi Pet Co., with brilliant design, quality control and manufacturing team, produces and exports dog &cat toys, dog chews, etc. 南京太极宠物用品有限公司专业制造和销售猫狗玩具及狗咬胶等宠物用品;具备自主研发能力,拥有优秀的质控、生产和销售体系。
- Our products include a variety of pet products such as: all kinds of dog chews, pet toys, pet sweater, grooming glove and brush for pet. 主要产品有:全系列的狗咬胶,宠物玩具,宠物服饰,各类宠物按摩手套及刷子。
- Nanhai Phoenix Pet Products Co., Ltd. mainstay products include edible soft teeth-cleaning bones, compound molded bones and rawhide dog chew. 南海风来客公司主要生产可食用软胶洁齿骨,复方模型骨和牛皮狗咬胶。
- But I will be the first person to say “I TOLD YOU SO” when your dog chews up your favorite couch or pees on your brand new carpet while you run down the the corner grocery for a gallon of milk. 但是当你的狗儿咬坏你喜爱的沙发,或在你的新地毯上小便的时候,你会明白我是第一个这样对你说的人。
- Dog Chew Food is made of many kind of different materials with scientific configuration and extruded from JC-II extruder, it can be made into many kind of shapes such as stick、bone etc. 挤压类“狗咬胶"是经多种物料科学配比,由JC-II型主机挤出成型,制成棒状、骨状等不同形状的咬胶型宠物食品。
- The dog chewed away on his toy for a few minutes and then nodded with pleasure. 这只狗又继续吃了几分钟它的玩具,然后快乐地点点头。
- Dog chewing food is made of many kinds of different materials with scientific configuration and extrusion in the JC-II extruder. 挤压类“狗咬胶”是经多种物料科学配比,有JC-II型主机挤出成型制成棒状、骨状等不同形状的咬胶型宠物食品。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- Many people like to chew mint gum in the summer. 许多人喜欢在夏天嚼薄荷口香糖。
- You must chew your food well before you swallow it. 食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼。
- The dog stays home to whelp and raises her puppy. 这条狗待在家里生了小狗并把它们养大。
- Chew your food properly before swallowing it. 食物嚼碎後再咽下。
- Saliva helps one chew and digest food. 唾液能帮助咀嚼和消化食物。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning. 这些上了年纪的妇人每天上午和邻居们凑在一起闲聊。
- The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds. 当我想给那小狗清洗伤口时它悲嗥起来。
- The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes. 那只狗把雉从灌木丛中惊起。
- I'll think about it while I have a chew. 我吃饭时会想想看。