- Describes the basic document information that is available. 介绍可用的基本文档信息。
- The Document Information Panel for the content type schema opens. 将打开内容类型架构的文档信息面板。
- Publish the Document Information Panel to a shared network folder. 将文档信息面板发布到共享的网络文件夹中。
- In network environment, the types of document information are changing neatly. 摘要网络环境下,文献信息类型发生变化。
- The META element also embeds document information that some search engines use to index categorize documents on the World Wide Web. 元素还嵌入了某些搜索引擎用于索引和分类万维网上的文档时所用的文档信息。
- The META element also embeds document information that some search engines use to index and categorize documents on the World Wide Web. 元素还嵌入了某些搜索引擎用于索引和分类万维网上的文档时所用的文档信息。
- The insecure information will not be shown. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu. 不安全信息将不显示。有关安全性的其它信息,请从"查看"菜单中选择"文档信息"。
- Make the changes that you want to the Document Information Panel, and then save the form template. 对文档信息面板进行所需的更改,然后保存表单模板。
- The Document Information Panel makes it easy to view and edit document properties while you work on your Word document. 利用文档信息面板,可以在使用Word文档时方便地查看和编辑文档属性。
- You can then specify the location of the Document Information Panel by using a URL, UNC, or URN file path. 然后可以使用URL、UNC或URN文件路径指定文档信息面板的位置。
- This section incorporates the previous information and shows how to design a simple attribute that documents information about the author of a section of code. 本节具体表现前面的信息,并显示如何设计一个简单的属性来记录有关代码段作者的信息。
- By using the Document Information Panel, you can edit properties like this directly within the Word environment. 使用文档信息面板,就可以直接在Word环境中编辑此类属性。
- For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu. 有关安全性的其它信息,请从"查看"菜单中选择"文档信息"。
- This paper gives the suggestion about patent documents information using through analyzing elementarily and discussing the main content and the other related informat... 文章对纺织专利文献信息资源主要包括的内容、所涉及的信息进行了初步分析与探讨,提出了利用专利文献信息的建议。
- Machines can get charged with the hardware information, document information, registry and control for the screen. 可以取得被控机器上的硬件信息,文件信息,注册表以及进行屏幕控制。
- To display the Document Information Panel by default, click the Always show Document Information Panel on document open and initial save check box. 若要默认显示文档信息面板,请单击“始终在打开和初次保存文档时显示文档信息面板”复选框。
- The document informatics is a science that specializes in the general law of the document information activities, and it is a sub-science now. 摘要文献信息学是专门研究文献信息活动一般规律的科学,目前尚属于潜科学。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- In the networked environment,document information in academic libraries is sharable,and the social service to the public is developing. 网络环境里,高校图书馆的文献信息具备了流动性,面向社会的服务逐步发展。
- To enable Full Trust, you must digitally sign the form template for the Document Information Panel with a trusted root certificate or create an installable file for it. 若要启用“完全信任”,则必须使用受信任的根证书对文档信息面板的表单模板进行数字签名,或为表单模板创建可安装文件。