- Documenti Magep Rocessing 文本图像处理
- P rocessing quatity is big and it can produce material circularly. 连续工作处理量大;可循环均质出料.
- Asverin Is an entirely newpatented cough medicine developed by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- By u sing th is new p rocess the lo ss of metal reduced th ree t imes. 采用了这种新工艺使金属损耗量降到三分之一.
- Rilegatura documenti, dischi, una variabile di dati di stampa, e di altri tipi di lavori di stampa di giornali. 文件装订、刻盘,可变数据印刷等各类快印报务。
- Breguet,Equazione tempo, orologio molto raro, nuovo con scatola e documenti ufficiali, prezzo listin... 铂;新;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, roma;
- Asverin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine developed by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- "Power-on password nella speranza di esperti" e "nella speranza di documenti e di elaborazione dei dati di esperti" hanno un sacco di traffico utente. “希冀开机密码专家”和“希冀文件及数据处理专家”已有相当多的用户量。
- Aserin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine deeloped by Tanabe's rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- Asverin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine developed by Tanabes rocess. 特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。
- Isole_nella_Rete Zona autonoma che intende mettere in comunicazione il popolo della Rete. Mailing list, mobilitazioni, radio, documenti, news, e-zine, web-zine, editoria. 前进进戏剧工作坊香港小剧场中坚份子,为本地表演艺术打造出一个理想的文化环境和艺术空间。
- This paper reviewed the mechanism of effect of factorso fm aterialm ilk,chemicalp rocess,starter,and temperature on quality of cheese. 叙述了关于干酪生产过程中原料乳、化学处理、发酵剂、温度等因素对干酪品质影响的作用机理。
- Physics pedagogics, a branch of pedagogics ,is a science to research the principle and the application of physics education l)rocess. 物理教育学是研究物理教育过程的规律及其应用的一门科学,属学科教育学的一个分学科。
- Abstract: Aimed at NC machining of six-freedom NC miller that is a parallel machine tool, in this paper it has put forward a new simulation algorithm of NC machining p rocess. 文摘:针对六自由度数控铣床-并联机床的数控加工,本文提出一种新的加工过程仿真算法。
- The specialty of AVR sing le -slice p rocess and the setting of relative reg ister of PWM reg ulating speed in AVR microcontroller were particularly introduced. 给出了系统硬件电路原理简图和相应的软件设计方法,说明了位置与速度的测量方法。
- Cartedipagamento_com Guida alla scelta. Sono confrontati costi e condizioni di svariati tipi di carte, suddividendo la ricerca per tipo e per circuito ed offrendo guide e documenti. 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。
- The development and wide application of computer technologies in themechanical manufacturing provide an ideal tootof$rocess plauiCAs a result, CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning) is propounded. 计算机技术的发展及其在机械制造业中的广泛应用,为工艺设计提供了理想的工具,于是出现了计算机辅助工艺规划,简称CAPP(ComputerAided Process Planning)。
- Predomination of SKY Signage shows not only on complete production equipments but on the professional spirit and rocess level based on modern enterprise management system even more. 奇天的超越,不但体现在完备的生产设备上,更体现于建立在现代企业管理制度上的专业精神与工艺水平。
- tenosynovitis stenosans of styloid rocess of radius 骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎