- Under Editing restrictions, select the Allow only this type of editing in the document check box. 在“编辑限制”下,选中“仅允许在文档中进行此类编辑”复选框。
- In the Document Check In section, specify whether you want to keep the document checked out after you check in the current version. 在“文档签入”部分中,指定在签入当前版本后是否希望文档保持签出状态。
- If you don't want to see the message about converting presentations again, select the Do not ask me again about converting documents check box. 如果您不想再次看到有关转换演示文稿的这条消息,则请选中“不再询问是否转换文档”复选框。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。
- Wholesale Financing Inventory Audit Specialist Job description: This position is responsible for wholesale financing physical vehicle audit, vehicle documents check and vehicle delivery and payment record verification. 职位描述:本职位的主要工作内容为对经销商融资车辆进行实地盘点,车辆证件核查,车辆发出,销售以及还款记录稽查。
- He tried to enter the country with forged document. 他试图用伪造的文件进入该国。
- The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。
- Please hand on the document to others. 请把这份文件依次传递给他人。
- Sunday is the best day to check the want ads. 星期天是在报纸上查寻招聘广告的最好的日子。
- Let me hand you these shipping document one by one. 让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- And unlocking a drawer, he took out the document. 他打开抽屉的锁,把文件拿了出来。
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- This document bore his signature. 这份文件上有他的签名。
- It always pays to give your paper one final check. 写了东西最后检查一遍总是有好处的。
- This document carries the royal seal. 这份文件上盖有王室印章。
- He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。
- Are sales income and sales documents checked against till receipt report daily sales report by store manager at day-end? 店铺经理在每日结束营业时有否将销售收入及有关文件与收银机收据记录和每日销售报告互相核对?
- Please check up these references. 请核对这些参考资料。