- Doctors fight disease. 医生们与疾病作战。
- Science has given us new tools to fight disease. 科学给我们提供了许多战胜疾病的方法。
- It will give doctors the ability to fight disease in areas of the human body that were previously unreachable except by surgery. 。它将使医生有能力在原来只有通过外科手术才能到达的人体部位同疾病作斗争。
- The doctor fought with his assailant until he ran away. 医生和他的攻击者打起来,直到把那人打跑。
- Sleep refreshes the body and restores the energy necessary to fight disease. 睡眠可以消除身体疲劳而且能够储存抵抗疾病侵袭的必要活力。
- Doctors fought for more than six hours to save his life. 医生们抢救了六个多小时,为保住他的生命。
- People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. 能够更好的抵抗疾病已经在疾病来临时战胜疾病的人,与恢复疾病是不需要进行医学治疗,并不一致。
- Vitamins, which we can get from eating vegetables, fruit, fish and drinking milk, help our body fight disease. 我们能从蔬菜、水果、鱼和牛奶中吸收维生素,它能帮助我们抗击疾病。
- Many drugs that we use to cure illness and fight disease are made from plants in the rainforests. 许多我们现在用来治疗疾病及对抗病魔的药物皆由雨林中的植物所制成。
- Explosive technological development after 1990 gave the medical profession enormous power to fight disease and sickness. 1990年后科技和爆炸一样速度的发展,使得医学具备了巨大的能力来与病毒和疾病做斗争。
- The use of immune-based reagents such as T cells and antibodies for therapeutic purposes, or the use of methods that will modify a patient's immune system to better fight disease. 评论收藏打印单词测试使用以免疫为基础的试剂,如T细胞和治疗用抗体,或修饰病人的免疫系统使其更好的抵御疾病的方法运用。
- Do they actually fight disease? 替代疗法的确能治疗疾病吗?
- Rival versions of the human genome, or "book of life", have concluded that there are fewer human genes than scientists had expected, which could deal a blow to researchers wanting to find new drugs to fight disease. 人类基因组,即“生命之书”的两家版本揭示出,人类基因比科学家原先预估的要少。 这对打算由此发现新药战胜疾病的研究人员,大概是一个不小的打击。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
- This could be potentially give scientists a way to fight diseases from cancer to ADIS. 这有可能地给科学家治疗癌症和Adis病菌一个潜在的方法。
- The doctors were not able to treat this disease. 医生治不了这种病。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- "As we age, the ability of the immune system to fight disease and infections and protect against cancer wears down as a result of the impact of oxygen radicals on the immune system," Nel said. "当我们变老时,免疫系统抵御疾病和传染病以及预防癌症的能力,由于氧自由基对免疫系统作用的结果而削弱,"讷尔说。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- Our TLR9 agonists are based on immunostimulatory sequences, or ISS, which are short DNA sequences that enhance the ability of the immune system to fight disease and control chronic inflammation. 我们的TLR9显效药是基于免疫共刺激序列(ISS)的。ISS是一短DNA序列,它提高免疫系统能力来对抗疾病并控制慢性炎症。