- Do you require a deposit to confirm a reservation? 确定预定的旅馆房间要不要付定金?
- Do you require a deposit for a reservation? 预订房间要不要付定金?
- Do you require a security deposit? 你们要求预付保证金吗?
- Do you require a stocking order? 你是否有长袜的订单?
- For which applications do you require a pleating machine? (一) 打褶机应用于生产何种过滤器?
- Do you require full or half board? 你要全食宿还是半食宿?
- Do you require institute accommodation? 是否需要为您安排住宿?
- Which peripheral equipment do you require? 需要何种外附设备?
- What clause do you require in the contract? 你要求在合同中订上什么条款?
- What gage of wire do you require? 你需要什么规格的电线?
- What gauge of wire do you require? 你需要什么规格的电线?
- What style of house do you require? 你要什麽式样的房子?
- Do you require any information from me? 你需要从我这里得到什么信息吗?
- Do you require the emergency equipment? 你需要紧急救援设备吗?
- Yes, but do you want a hobby that requires a lot of money? 行啊,你想不想需要花很多钱的爱好?
- How do you require to redecorate your room? 你想咋样装修你的房间?
- Do you require advance notification if we cannot come? 如果我们不能来,您需要我们事先通知吗?
- How many square meters of floor space do you require? 展出的面积要多少平方米?
- Do you require special properties the adhesive should have? 您对胶有无特殊的性能要求?
- How much oil do you require? Will five gallons see you through? 你需要多少汽油?五加仑能解决问题吗?