- Are Juveniles Still Required to Do Boldly What is Righteous? 未成年人还要不要见义勇为?
- Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous. 人人都赞美他这种见义勇为的精神。
- Do boldly what is righteous. 见义勇为。
- On the Legal Issue of Doing Boldly What is Righteous 见义勇为行为的法律探析
- doing boldly what is righteous 见义勇为
- Do boldly what you do at all. 既要做,就要大胆地做。
- If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him. 你们若知道他是公义的,就知道凡行公义之人都是他所生的。
- He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart. 就是行为正直、做事公义、心里说实话的人。
- Do you know what is meant by mountain time? 你知道山区时间是什么意思吗?
- You should do what is needful as soon as possible. 你应该尽快做需要做的事。
- Do you know what is the legislature in China? 你知道中国的立法机关是哪个吗?
- I will do what is expected of me. 我会尽本分的。
- Do what is right in your own sight. 做你认为对的事。
- I don't think he's in a fit state to understand what is being said. 我想现在大家正在说的事情他是一点也听不懂的。
- Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。
- What is the difference between this and that? 这个和那个之间的区别是什么?
- The LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked. 耶和华是公义的。他砍断了恶人的绳索。
- What is the exact size of the room? 这个房间的确切面积是多少?
- What is the chief town in Norway? 挪威的主要城市是哪一个?
- It is over and above what is wanted. 那是超过需要的东西。