- Divisional Administrative Area 师辖区
- He has bought a map which has marks to divide the administrative area. 他买了一张标有行政区划的地图。
- A representative office can change its office location within the same administrative area it resides only. 第二十九条代表机构只能在所在城市的行政辖区内变更办公地址。
- The ward area of Tokyo in some respects functions as a single administrative area comprising the center of the capital. 东京的特别区在某些方面起到组成首都中心的单一行政区的作用。
- There shall be an appropriate number of deputies elected from the minority nationalities in each administrative area. 各行政区域内的少数民族应当有适当的代表名额。
- This pumping station is responsible for periodic checks of pumps in its administrative area. 这个抽水站负责所辖范围内扬水设施的定期检查。
- The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. 这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。
- Introduce the administrative areas of Hei Long jiang province ? 介绍一下黑龙江省的行政区域划分?
- Taxpayers: Any individual that owns and uses his vehicle within the administrative area of this Municipality is the taxpayer of the usage tax. 一、纳税义务人:凡在本市行政区域内拥有并且使用机动车的个人为车船使用税纳税义务人。
- Divisional Administrative Contracting Officer 师合同执行官
- However, the present priority theory of Jadeite study is based on the special theory, and it"s related less to the administrative area. 但目前有关翡翠的理论研究基本以翡翠专业知识为主,涉及到管理方面的甚少。
- Additionally the user downloads music to still can get bell of a homonymic colour inside specific special administrative area. 另外用户在特定专区内下载音乐还可以得到一首同名彩铃。
- The people's governments of districts and counties shall take charge of the IPRs protection during exhibitions within their respective administrative area. 区、县人民政府负责本行政区域内展会知识产权保护工作的领导和协调。
- Boundary is used with administrative areas smaller than a state or country. 用于指行政区域,范围比国家小。
- The local people's congresses at various levels are the local organs of state power, in the administrative area, on behalf of the people exercise state power. 地方各级人民代表大会都是地方国家权力机关,在本行政区域内,代表人民行使国家权力。
- Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. 今天,位于英格兰地区的伦敦,所管辖的区域,有她自己的市长和行政机构。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The name of a businessperson consists sequentially of the following: name of the administrative area, business name, features of the trade or operation, and type of organization. 商人的名称由以下部分依次组成:行政区划的名称、字号、行业或经营特点和组织形式。
- These Procedures apply to the planning, construction and use of parking lots (garages) within this Municipality's administrative area and to the related management activities. 本办法适用于本市行政区域内停车场(库)的规划、建设、使用及其相关管理活动。
- Local people's governments above the county level shall strengthen the administrative area of vocational education leadership, co-ordination and supervision of the assessment. 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内职业教育工作的领导、统筹协调和督导评估。