- A system holding that all knowledge is derived from original divine revelation and is transmitted by tradition. 一种认为所有的知识都来自于最初的神的启示并由口传方式传播的体系
- The Hebrews incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation. 希伯来人孕育梦为了接收神的启示。
- It is held to be religious truth established by divine revelation and defined by the church. 它一直被当作是由于上天的启示建立的,为教会所制定的宗教真理。
- One is the knowledge obtained from the Divine Revelation, the other is the knowledge from the workings of human mind. 他将知识分为两种:一种是通过神的启示获得的知识,另一种是通过人类用脑思考而获得的知识。
- A religious truth that is incomprehensible to the reason and knowable only through divine revelation. (宗教的)真理,主义有不可理解的原因和只有通过神的启示才能认识的宗教真理
- Theology A religious truth that is incomprehensible to the reason and knowable only through divine revelation. (宗教的)真理,主义:有不可理解的原因和只有通过神的启示才能认识的宗教真理
- At the Temple of Amon, legend says, Alexander received a divine revelation which he never divulged. 传闻亚历山大在阿蒙神殿里,蒙受了他不肯透露的天启。
- Eliphaz told Job that he had received a divine revelation which affirmed the depraved nature of mankind. 以利法告诉约伯,他受到了上帝的启示,肯定了人性的堕落。
- Also the Christian has a sense of true optimism, the assurance that according to divine revelation everything will turn out well in the end. 基督徒又能抱持真正的乐观情怀。因靠主启示而确信,万事万物终将有美好的结局。
- We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience. 我们再肯定无误的圣经是唯一有记录的神圣启示,也唯一能够约束人的良心。
- Since human free will, on the Arminian understanding, is independent of God's plan, it cannot be a divine revelation, the image of God. 按照亚米念主义的看法,由于人的自由意志独立于上帝的计划之外,那么人性就不可能是上帝的启示、上帝的形象。
- Lord, cause us to see the intrinsic contents of Your Word and that we may understand to interpret the divine revelation. 主,使我们照着你在你经纶里的愿望,领会并解释神圣的启示。主,这是我们所需要的,不只是现在,也是我们一生之久的需要!
- Yet Gnostic sects appear to have shared an emphasis on the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge, acquired not by learning or empirical observation but by divine revelation. 至今诺斯替派的出现是共享一种深奥知识的救赎,并不是被后天知识或经验主义的观察而得到,而是由神的启示。
- Esoteric Kabbala is also "tradition" inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam. 深奥的卡巴拉也是“传统”由于它放置了对没有记录的由上帝传递给摩西和亚当的律法(神性揭示)秘密知识的声明。
- Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. 因此,人必须要靠神圣的启示来获得神圣的真理,如此才能得到合适且必然的救赎。
- In the eyes of most Chinese people, Confucian books are composed of human words while the Jewish Torah and Mishnah have been traditionally regarded as divine revelation. 犹太教的经书长期被视为神的启示,而儒学的经典则被认为是人言,因而神圣性与权威性不足;
- Under the divine shepherdry saints are fed to the full.Theirs is not a windy, unsatisfying mess of mere human "thought," but the LORD feeds them upon the solid, substantial truth of divine revelation. 耶稣是羊群的大牧者,在祂的喂养下,信徒都得饱足,因为祂赐的粮,不是虚浮空泛的人间小学,乃是字字珠玑,满足人心的启示真理。
- Natural religion, ie not based on divine revelation 自然宗教(并非基於神的启示)
- My mother asked me to attend divine service. 我妈妈要求我做礼拜。
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折