- Divination in Confucius eyes 孔子眼中的卜筮
- Mencius' ideas have their origin in Confucius' thoughts. 孟子的思想与孔子的思想是一脉相承的。
- Divination in book of change and decision making in life II. 周易爻卦与人生决策2。
- "And it will be to them like a false divination in their eyes; they have sworn solemn oaths. But he brings iniquity to remembrance, that they may be seized. 结21:23据那些曾起誓的犹大人看来、这是虚假的占卜.但巴比伦王要使他们想起罪孽、以致将他们捉住。
- Therefore "Li" has profound and plentiful means in Confucius thought. 因此,“礼”在孔子思想里具有非常深刻和丰富的含义。
- Conscience hath somewhat divine in it. 良心是上帝未被彻底吹熄的蜡烛。
- He hated the lust but admired the divine in men. 他憎恶人的肉欲,欣赏人性中神圣的一面。
- Love is the light of divinity, it presents the Divine in Man. 爱是神圣之光,它代表著人们内的神圣。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- Then temperamental inclination of Confucianism was already excellently shown in Confucius. 儒学的性情倾向在孔子那里就已有卓然的表现。
- In Confucius' opinion, the aim of self-cultivation is for one to train oneself to be a man of noble character. 摘要孔子认为,自我修养的目的就是主体能够把自己修养成为道德高尚的君子;
- Yi Jing, a book used to practice divination in ancient China, is endowed with rich meaning of philosophy. 摘要《周易》是我国古代的一部占筮用书,其《易传》是一部充满丰富哲理的古代哲学著作。
- In confucius' opinion, teaching could be done either by advice or by example. In particular, a king must set a good example to his people. 孔子认为,教育可以分为言传和身教,君主特别要身体力行作其臣民的表率。
- The Chinese people in Confucius's time found themselvs with an immense system of institutions,established facts,accredited dogmas,customs,laws. 孔子时代的中国人发现自身处于系统庞大的制度、成规、教条、习俗和法律中。
- He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
- We find some elements which are very similar to Jewish philosophy of dialogue in Confucius's philosophy.In one sense, Confucianism might be called the dialogical one. 在孔子儒学中可以发现类似于犹太哲学家所说的对话哲学,因此在一定意义上可以称孔子的儒学为对话的儒学。
- She screwed up her eyes in the bright light. 她在明亮的光线下眯起了眼睛。
- I can see her gladness in her eyes. 我可以从她的眼睛里看出她的喜悦。
- Firenze had little patience for what he called" fortunetelling," suggesting that to try to understand Divination in these terms was being" blinkered and fettered by the limitations" of being human. 费伦泽他称为“算命”的东西毫无耐心,他提出试着相信那一类的占卜是“被蒙住了双眼,也为人类的缺陷所束缚”。
- In Confucius' view, the most important measure was to reestablish the moral order that had been constituted in the beginning of Chou Dynasty but had deteriorated in order to moralize the people and solve the existing social problems. 孔子以为,由乱而治,最重要的措施是维护和重建“周礼”所确立的道德秩序,对人们施以道德教化,调节社会行为,以此化解现存社会问题。