- Ditylenchus distructor 甘薯茎线虫
- Ditylenchus wag a very important group of parasitic nematode in Xinjiang. 新疆茎线虫是重要的植物寄生线虫。
- Potato rot and stem nematode(Ditylenchus destructor) is one of the important plant parasitic nematodes in the world. 腐烂茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor)系世界上一重要的植物病原线虫。
- Aphelenchus spp., Ditylenchus spp. and Helicotylenchus spp. among them are the edge of groups. 其中真滑刃线虫、茎线虫、螺旋线虫是优势种群。
- The pathogenicity of sweet potato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) to peanut (Arachis hypogaea) was confirmed by inoculation test in pot with peanut plants. 摘要盆栽接种试验表明,侵染甘薯的腐烂茎线虫对花生具有显著的致病性。
- Sweetpotato stem-nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) 甘薯茎线虫
- Study of monoxenic culture of the Ditylenchus destructor on carrot hairy roots 胡萝卜发根培养甘薯茎线虫体系研究
- Study of Reproduction of Ditylenchus Destructor Under Monoxenic Condition of Sweet Potato and Carrot Hairy Roots 甘薯、胡萝卜发根单寄主培养体系繁殖马铃薯腐烂线虫的研究
- Sampling method of Ditylenchus destructor specimens for scanning electron microscopy 甘薯茎线虫的扫描电镜制样方法
- Key words: Ditylenchus destructor; acetylcholinesterase; eserine; aldicarb; molecular polymorphism 关键词:甘薯茎线虫;乙酰胆碱酯酶;毒扁豆碱;涕灭威;分子型
- Keywords aldicarb;SDBS;complex pollution;ditylenchus dipsaci;DNA damage an d repair; 涕灭威;十二烷基苯磺酸钠;复合污染;茎线虫;DNA损伤与修复;
- Keywords phoxim;microcapsule;interfacial polymerization;suspension concentrate;sweet potato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor); 辛硫磷;微胶囊;界面聚合法;悬浮剂;甘薯茎线虫;
- Ditylenchus destructor 甘薯茎线虫
- Ditylenchus destructor Thorue 甘薯茎线虫
- Ditylenchus 双垫刃属
- Ditylenchus dipsaci 续断双垫刃线虫