- He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令受到军法审判。
- District Court Martial 区军事法庭
- He was going to be tried by court martial. 他将由军事法庭审判。
- The election benched him in the district court. 那次选举使他在地方法院获得了席位。
- All the men now face court martial. 现在所有这些军人都面临军事法庭的审判。
- He was convicted at a court martial. 他在军事法庭上被判有罪。
- Each state has at least one federal district court. 每个州最少有一个联邦地区法院。
- If there's a general court martial I'll have to say so. 万一最高军事法庭开庭我只能直说啦。
- The last election bench Mr. Taylor in the district court. 上次选举使泰勒先生当上地方法院法官。
- It was an election that benched him in the district court. 那是一次使他当上地方法院法官的选举。
- The officer was convicted of desertion at a court martial. 这名军官在军事法庭上被判犯了擅离职守罪。
- Both men will appear in the Auckland District Court tomorrow. 被捕二人明天将于奥克兰地区法院见法官。
- The case was tried in two jurisdictional district courts. 这个案件在两个不同的管辖区法院受审。
- Yesterday, the Fengtai District Court hearing the case. 昨天,丰台区法院开庭审理此案。
- The last election benched Mr. Taylor in the district court. 上次选举使泰勒先生当上地方法院法官。
- The district court had ordered an immediate halt to discharges. 地区法院已经命令,立即停止排放。
- Taipei District Court, ruled last night in custody see ban. 台北地方法院审理后,昨天晚间裁定羁押禁见。
- Then a directive came down stating that anyone getting trench foot would be tried by court martial. 一道下达的指导说明指出,任何得了战壕足病的人都可能被送交军事法庭。”
- Breene accepts captain therefore to accept the court martial to be put in prison. 布林纳上尉因此接受军法审判入狱。
- The District Court denied petitioner′s motion for a judgment of acquittal. 地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。