- Distribution According Factor 按要素分配
- The distribution system that distribution according to work is leading factor and diversified distribution methods coexist. 按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的分配制度。
- Marx regard distribution according to work as bourgeois right. 哥达纲领批判》把按劳分配规定为“资产阶级权利”,这被认为是一个“斯芬克斯之谜”。
- The books in the library were distributed according to subjects. 图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。
- Moral Basis of Market Economic System: Distribution according to Contribution? 市场经济制度的道德根据:按贡献分配?
- Can Distribution according to Production Elements Lead to Polarization? 按生产要素分配会导致两极分化吗?
- RM、PKM receipt, storage and distribution according to production plan. 根据生产计划进行原辅料及包装材料的接收、存储及发放。
- Understanding their differences and separations under certain historical conditions is the crux to comprehend the executive system of combining the distribution according to work with production factor in China. 认识两者的区别和其在一定历史条件下的分离是理解中国现阶段实行按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合的关键所在 ;
- In socialism present stage, the objective current economic condition had decided organic synthesis between the distribution according to work and distribution according to productive factor. 在我国社会主义现阶段,客观经济条件决定了我们还必须坚持按劳分配与按生产要素分配的有机结合。
- The books in the library were distributed according to subjects . 图书馆里的书是按科目分类的。
- They feel that neither equal distribution nor distribution according to labour power is to their advantage. 富农觉得平均分和按劳动力分两种方法都于他们不利。
- We have always followed the principles of socialist public ownership and distribution according to work. 我们坚持了社会主义公有制和按劳分配的原则。
- Then you adjust the distribution according to these numbers and your maximum loading. 然后根据这些数值和最大负载调整分配。
- The unearned increment of land should be made a reasonable distribution according to the contributions of essential elements. 笔者认为,农地转非后的自然增值,应按要素贡献进行合理分配。
- The "doctrine of distribution according to labour" was a high-sounding slogan shamelessly put forward by Yen Hsi-shan, warlord in Shansi Provioce. 山西军阀阎锡山曾标榜过“按劳分配”的口号。
- "Distribution according to need " why be impossible Huang Fuyuan the first, corporeal need of the person is infinite. “按需分配”为什么是不可能的黄福源第一、人的物质需要是无限的。
- "Distribution according to work " medium " fatigue " essence should be to be social approbatory to work effectively. “按劳分配”中的“劳”实质应是为社会承认的有效劳动。
- In the socialistic society that envisages in Marx only, ability realizes single distribution according to work. 只有在马克思设想的社会主义社会里 ,才能实现单一的按劳分配。
- The "doctrine of distribution according to labour" was a high-sounding slogan shamelessly put forward by Yen Hsi-shan,warlord in Shansi Provioce. 山西军阀阎锡山曾标榜过“按劳分配”的口号。