- Distorion of workpiece 工件变形
- Raising/lowing/rotation of workpiece adopts hydraulic control. 工件升降旋转采用液压控制方式。
- Grinding machine parts, dies, oil nozzler and irregular parts of workpiece. 磨削机件、模型、喷油嘴及机器零件不规则的部分。
- Grinding machine parts, dies,oil nozzler and irregular parts of workpiece. 磨削机件、模型、喷油嘴及机器零件不规则的部分。
- Protecting the glossiness of workpiece surface, suitable used as immersion liquid after polishing. 保护工件表面的光泽。适于作抛光后的沉浸液。
- The optimeter is widely used to precisely measure external size of workpiece by comparison with a gauge block or standard part. 本仪器是一般是用标准器(如量块)以比较法测量工件的尺寸。
- Turning wheel reels repeatedly material surface to obtain perfect shape, dimension and surface fineness of workpiece. 滚轮反复旋压材料表面来获取理想的工件形状、尺寸以及表面光洁度。
- Abstract: Ceramic coating on the surface of workpiece can improve its properties remarkably. 文摘:在工件表面用喷涂方法形成陶瓷涂层,可以显著改善其性能。
- Adjustable working table stroke leads to convenient transfer of workpiece in various lengths. 工作台行程可调,方便转印不同长度的工件。
- During machining, ultrasonic vibration of workpiece can improve the machining process. 在加工过程中,通过超声波振动,工件加工工艺得到改善。
- Real time retracing and display of machining trace and drawing of contour of workpiece is three-dimensional. 加工轨迹实时跟踪显示,工件轮廓三维造型。
- The images of workpiece's surfaces are processed by the technology of digital image processing after being captured. 通过获取工件表面图像,利用数字图像处理技术对工件表面图像进行处理。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- In the grinding process, the air-flow field in grinding zone has influence on the quality of workpiece. 在磨削加工过程中,磨削区的空气场对被加工的工件表面质量影响很大。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Ceramic coating on the surface of workpiece can improve its properties remarkably. 在工件表面用喷涂方法形成陶瓷涂层,可以显著改善其性能。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The cutting process was performed through subtraction boolean operation of the solid model of workpiece and cutter. 利用齿坯实体模型和刀具实体模型做布尔减运算,来实现模拟工件材料的去除过程;