- Pecharsky V K,Gschneidner K A.Giant magnetocaloric effect in Gd5(Si2Ge2)[J].Phys.Rev.Lett.,1997,78(3):4494. 吴卫;冯再;郭立君.;关于室温磁制冷材料的评价[J]
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- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify the region of V K and V H from Fab of SZ51, and scu PA 32k(leu144 l eu411) from urokinase gene, respectively. 通过聚合酶链式反应(PCR),分别从SZ51的Fab片段基因中扩增出VK和VH区; 从尿激酶原基因中扩增出scu?PA?32k基因。
- Distaquaine V 青霉素V[青霉素类抗生素]
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- Americans in general, have a more conservative [k?n"s?:v?tiv]a. 保守的, 守旧的, 有保存力的or prudish[ "pru:di?
- Jayaraman V K, Kulkarni B D, Karale S, et al. Ant colony framework for optimal design and scheduling-of batch plants[J]. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 曹先彬,伊宝勇.;基于信息素异步更新的蚁群算法
- Included are SMA,K,BNC,N,APC-7 mm,SMB,SMC,W,V,3.5 mm,2.9 mm,1.85 mm and 1.0 mm. 重点介绍了SMA;K;BNC;N;APC-7 mm;SMB;SMC;W;V;3.;5 mm;2
- Another basic quantity is the bulk modulus K. 另一个基本的量是体积模量K。
- His legs sprawl out in V while he was watching TV. 他看电视时双腿呈V字形伸开。
- Věk 维克
- Gold jewelry bears a number and the letter K. 金制的珠宝与一个数字和字母k有关。
- You are the best girl I'v meet here. 你是我在网上遇到的最好的女孩。
- It is a diamond one inlaid with 18 K gold. 这是一枚镶有18K金的钻石戒指。
- Let u and v be nonconsecutive vertices on c. 设u和v是c上不相邻的两个顶点。
- The plot/graph of I versus V is a straight line. I随V的变化曲线是一条直线
- It is a diamond finger ring inlaid with 18 K gold. 这是一枚镶有18K金的钻石戒指。
- Ten years ago the Califonia case People v. 10年前,加利福尼亚People v.
- Now he played out a,k,and j of heart. 现在他在接连打出红A、K和J。