- It administers the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism. 它也负责运作争端解决机制和贸易政策审议机构。
- The forth part is about the suggestions to improve natural resources dispute settlement mechanism. 第四,对我国资源纠纷解决机制的完善从立法、解决方式的角度提出建议。
- As a means, public participation could greatly increase the effectiveness of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. 公众参与作为一项手段,可以大大加强WTO争端解决机制的效力。
- Many scholars argue that dispute settlement mechanism of CEPA should learn from that of CAFTA. 摘要不少学者认为CEPA应借鉴CAFTA的争端解决机制。
- Acceleration of the establishment, and improvement of the dispute settlement mechanism are the important tasks in front of us. 加速自贸区争端解决机制的建立与完善是摆在我们面前的重要任务
- The WTO dispute settlement mechanism procedure emphasis on constitutionality.It makes the multilateral trade system safer and more foreseeable. WTO争端解决机制程序强调法治,并使多边贸易体制更安全和可预见。
- Fifth, countervailing, anti-dumping and dispute settlement mechanism under the authorization to take retaliatory measures against MFN bound. 第五,反补贴、反倾销及在争端解决机制下授权采取的报复措施,不受最惠国待遇的约束。
- America's Cup dispute settlement mechanism has gone through a scratch, and gradually perfecting the process of development. 美洲杯帆船赛的纠纷解决机制经历了一个从无到有,并逐步发展完善的过程。
- The swordfish case in 2000 revealed the possible conflict between the international environmental dispute settlement mechanism and the WTO DSM which deserves our attention. 昱访撕椭抢?S阏?税附沂玖斯?驶肪痴?私饩龌?坪凸?拭骋渍?私饩龌?
- As an important component of international law, WTO law builds a dispute settlement mechanism to deal with the actions of violating the WTO treaty obligation. 作为国际法重要组成部分的WTO法也不例外,WTO框架下专门建立了一套争端解决机制处理成员方违反WTO义务的行为,从而保障WTO法律制度的有效实施。
- The investor - state investment dispute settlement mechanism in recent BITs and FTAs tends to further internationalize the settlement of this kind of dispute. 近年的国际投资协定中规定的投资者与东道国间投资争端解决机制,从实质看,是将此类争端解决进一步推向国际化。
- Dispute settlement mechanism is the bright pearl on the crown of WTO.However, whether it is really lustrous and brilliant depends on the implementation institution of DSB report. 争端解决机制是WTO皇冠上的明珠,但这颗明珠是否真的璀璨夺目,则取决于DSB报告执行制度。
- In the absence of a mutually agreed solution, the first objective of the dispute settlement mechanism is usually to secure the withdrawal of the measures concerned if these are found to be inconsistent with the provisions of any of the covered agreements. 如不能达成双方同意的解决办法,则争端解决机制的首要目标通常是保证撤销被认为与任何适用协定的规定不一致的有关措施。
- Hence, it appears very important to strengthen legal cooperation between member countries and improve relevant rules of this free trade area as well as the dispute settlement mechanism. 从而,加强成员国法律合作,加快完善自贸区相关规则以及争端解决机制已显得十分重要。
- Taipei has in the past shied away from using the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism out of fear China would try to put political conditions on the interaction such procedures involve. 台北过去一直避免使用世贸组织的争端解决机制,担心大陆会试图对此类程序所涉及的接触施加政治条件。
- Fourthly, we should draw into honesty and trustworthiness mechanism, mediative mechanisms among association and perfect the diversification of disputing settlement mechanism. 第四,引入诚信访纷机制、行会调解机制及利益解纷机制,完善多元化的纠纷解决机制。
- Modern dispute settlement mechanism is a plural and organic system which attaches most importance to litigation but includes non-litigation through“alternative justice”and“justice alternativeness”. 现代社会的纠纷解决机制是经历“替代的司法”与“司法的替代”而形成的以诉讼解纷为中心的包含非诉讼解纷的多元有机体系。
- Practice in over 7 years has testified that it is much effective in dispute settlement. Success in WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism is mostly attributable to its establishment of the Appellate Review. 7年多来的实践证明其在解决争端方面是极具成效的,WTO争端解决机制的成功很大一部分得归功于其上诉审的设置。
- The third part is the proposals and advices for perfecting the disputes settlement mechanism of the domain name cybersquatting in China. 第三部分介绍对完善我国域名抢注纠纷解决机制的建议。
- International Economic Dispute Settlement Mechanism 国际经济争端解决机制