- Medical adhesive in the treatment of eyelid injury. 医用胶治疗眼睑裂伤。
- Suffering from a disorder of the mind; insane. 患心神错乱的;疯的
- Any disease or disorder of muscle, brain, joints? 任何肌肉、大脑或四肢关节问题?
- Heart disease: Any disorder of the heart. 心脏病:心脏的异常或失调。
- A disease or disorder of the heart. 心脏病,心脏紊乱
- Resulting from a disease or disorder of the heart. 由于心脏病而发生的
- The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency. "眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全"这样翻译对不对?
- Heart disease: Any disorder of the heart. 心脏病:心脏的异常或失调。
- Sensorimotor disorder of eyelid 睑感觉运动障碍
- Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. 老年疾病通长都不是起于外因的。
- Sensory disorder of eyelid 睑感觉障碍
- Degenerative disorder of eyelid 眼睑变性病症
- Disorder of eyelid 睑病症
- The cell ring vibration disorder is a disease in which the twitch of eyelid is not able to be controlled. 摘要胞轮震(振)跳症为眼睑不能自控的搐惕瞤动的病证。
- Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the central nervous system. 帕金森氏综合症是一种中枢神经系统变性疾
- Stroke is the most common serious disorder of the brain. 中风是脑的最常见最严重的疾病。
- A rare congenital disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20. (儿童的)早衰症一种少见的少年身体机能失调,以类似年老的身体快速变化为特征,其结果通常导致二十岁之前死亡。
- Objective To repair trauma of eyelid with cosm etic operation and technique. 目的遵循整形外科学原则和技术修复眼睑外伤。
- Jog makes direction of eyelid of man-made eyelash edge clingy oneself eyelash. 轻推使人造睫毛沿眼睑方向紧贴自己的睫毛。
- Sty is inflammation of sex of fester of acute of eyelid board gland inside. 内麦粒肿为睑板腺急性化脓性炎症。