- In internist popularization psychology disease related knowledge. 内科医生中普及心理疾病的相关知识。
- Blackfoot disease related to high arsenic in drinking water in Taiwan provin ce does not include in this study. 确认辽宁省曾报道的饮水高砷点现已消除 ;
- Some people can appear sex metathorax is painful, great majority is caused by the disease related to the heart. 有的人会出现房事后胸痛,绝大多数由与心脏相关的疾病造成。
- This article Legionella disease related to recent research carried out on the preliminary. 本文就军团菌病有关研究近况进行了初步阐述。
- Cerebrovascular disease is a group of diseases related to blood vessels supplying the brain. 脑血管病是由于供应脑部的血管出现问题而引致的一组疾病。
- Adipositas is a kind of chronic disease related to many other diseases and harmful to human health. 肥胖是一种与多种疾病相关的慢性病,危害着人类的健康。
- This inflammation is found in a range of diseases related to obesity, including heart disease and diabetes. 从们发现这个炎症存在于一系列与肥胖相关的疾病,包括心脏病和糖尿病。
- Oculocutaneous albinism in eye skin is a series of hereditary disease related to melanin biosynthesis,which is mainly short of melanin of eye,skin,hair and brings various hazard to patients. 眼皮肤白化病是一组与黑色素生物合成有关的遗传性疾病,表现为眼、皮肤、毛发黑色素缺乏等。
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- Clinical study on the influential factors in the treatment of chronic liver diseases related gastro-duodenal ulcer. 影响肝源性胃十二指肠溃疡愈合的因素研究。
- Currently, the main oral infectious diseases related with HIV infection include oral mucosal disease, periodontal disease, salivary gland disease and caries. 目前与HIV感染密切相关的主要口腔疾病有口腔黏膜病、牙周病、涎腺疾病及龋病等。
- Before theoutbreak of the flu in Mexico, few Swedes were concerned aboutpandemics, previously unknown diseases, or diseases related to animals,such as mad cow disease or BSE. 在墨西哥流感爆发之前,很少瑞典人关心大流行病、前所未知的疾病、动物有关疾病,比如疯牛病或牛海绵样脑病。
- The many advantages, compared with FISH, make PRINS become the first choice in diagnosing diseases related to numerical anomaly in human chromosome. 与FISH技术相比, PRINS的这些优点使得它成为诊断染色体非整倍性变异的首选技术。
- Commitment to multi-year clinical immunology and rheumatology, is in control of rheumatic diseases related to the modernization of basic knowledge. 多年致力于临床免疫及风湿病学,掌握了有关风湿性疾患的现代化基础知识。
- A healthy diet will help you avoid heart disease. 健康的饮食有助防止心脏病。
- Radiation and some anticancer drugs can damage marrow and impair immunity. Bone-marrow examination helps diagnose diseases related to Blood and Blood-forming organs. 辐射及某些抗癌药物会损伤骨髓,损害免疫力。检查骨髓有助于诊断有关血液及造血系统的疾
- A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease. 保健饮食有助于增强体内对疾病的抵抗力。
- A poor diet is the leading cause of heart disease. 糟糕的饮食是导致心脏病的主要原因。
- Conclusion This study provides an anatomical foundation for diagnosis and therapy and imageology study of diseases related with tympanic-and-mastoid-segment facial nerve. 结论斜矢状位断层解剖研究可为临床鼓乳段面神经相关疾病的诊断、治疗、手术及影像学研究提供解剖学基础。