- discretion of non prosecution 不起诉裁量权
- A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee. 委员会可能酌情追加一笔补助金。
- She touched the piano with a discretion of her own. 她弹的时候显得纯熟自然,得心应手。
- This is the basic meaning of non bis in idem. 一事不再理原则具有悠久的历史和丰富的内容,世界上许多国家的宪法性文件或刑事诉讼法中都确立了该原则。
- Bail is granted at the discretion of the court. 由法庭决定准予保释。
- Sentencing is at the discretion of the judge. 量刑由法官自由裁定.
- In county courts costs are in the discretion of the court. 在郡法院诉讼费由法院决定。
- The bonus would be announced at the discretion of the Company. 红利会在公司的慎重被宣布。
- We shall be obliged by your exercising your usual discretion in the event of non - acceptance of the bill. 万一该支票不获承付,敬请依常例,妥为处理,我方将感激不尽。
- These funds can be dispensed at the discretion of the Treasury. 然而参议院的否决却一举将这项计划打乱。
- The discretion of headachy degree and blood pressure is concerned. 头痛的程度与血压的高低有关。
- Accordingly, the choice for defending strategies at the trial stage ranks down from non prosecution to misdemeanor prosecution, penalty reduction and mitigation. 据此,律师在审查起诉阶段所应选择的辩护方案按最优到次优顺序依次是不起诉方案、轻罪起诉方案、减轻处罚起诉方案以及从轻处罚起诉方案等;
- The time of the meeting will be fixed at the discretion of the chairman. 会议时间将由主席决定。
- It should broaden the scope of the crimea handled only upon compliant and tempered disposal concerning the crimes by minors,and strengthen the discretion of public prosecution and the application of the suspension of punishment in judicial practice. 建议在立法上要扩大亲告罪的适用范围和未成年人犯罪的轻缓化处理,在司法上要加强起诉裁量权和缓刑的适用。
- The granting of an injunction is at the discretion of the court. 强制令的签发属于法院的自由裁量权.
- Standard Cultivation Technique of Non - polluted Gynura divaricala DC. 富贵菜无公害标准化栽培技术。
- Is the West Area Could relieving the Crisis of Non Ferrous Mineral Resources? 西部能解我国有色金属矿产危机吗?
- The discreteness of the CCD and the system nois... 实验表明,本方法具有测量速度较快,测量精度较高的特点。
- I committed myself to the discretion of the committee. 我听从委员会的处理。
- This site provides access to NIMA`s database of non U.S. geographic names. 通过该网站,可以使用美国国家图像与地图局的美国以外地名数据库。