- Disarmament Fact Sheet 裁军简报
- Xian International Conference Center Fact Sheet. 西安国际会议中心。
- What did you write on your fact sheet? 你的资料单上写了什么?
- Let's take turns to read our fact sheet. 让我们轮流宣读我们的资料单吧。
- For more information on developing a fact sheet, see chapter 6, pg. 70. 有关如何准备实况报告的资料, 请参考第六章第70页。
- Leptospirosis Fact Sheet - Por el departamento de salud de Virginia, USA. Preguntas frecuentes con sus respuestas. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- This fact sheet does not cover treatment against woodworm and other wood boring insects. 这份资料并没有介绍如何处理木蛀虫以及其他钻木昆虫。
- Private Sector Treatment of Low-level Mixed Waste - fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Program. 低浓度混合废物私人处利部门。
- Hereunder is a fact sheet a embling the ends and bits concerning this organization into a rough reminder justifying its very existence. 以下是有关该组织点滴情况的陈述,希望籍此拼凑所得以表明其存在之理由。
- Hereunder is a fact sheet assembling the ends and bits concerning this organization into a rough reminder justifying its very existence. 以下是有关该组织点滴情况的陈述,希望籍此拼凑所得以表明其存在之理由。
- This general fact sheet can be distributed to all non-Rotarian visitors to the club and at club or district public events. 此一般实况表可分发给来社访问的非扶轮社员,以及扶轮社或地区公开活动中分送。
- A few years earlier, Dr.Ross Adey released photographs and a fact sheet concerning what he called the Russian Lida machine. 早在几年前,RossAdey博士展示了一些照片,和一些与他所称为俄罗斯Lida机相关的事实的单子。
- A fact sheet later distributed by the Treasury broadened it to include “other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilise financial markets. 稍后由财政部发布的情况说明书将范围扩大包括”其它任何被认为可以稳定金融市场的资产。”
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "Fact Sheet on NRC Review of Paper on Reducing Hazards from Stored Spent Nuclear Fuel." August 2003. 美国核子管制委员会<检视讨论减少已封存核废料所带来危险的相关论文,核子管制委员会做出的情况说明书>2003年8月。
- Human Genome Project: Cloning Fact Sheet( Eng)-- outlines different processes for duplicating biological material. Discusses ethical, legal, and social issues. 复制生命-克隆()--含克隆技术、隆研究及应用、隆生物、隆人类、隆对伦理和法律的影响等话题。
- A fact sheet from the US Geological Survey (USGS) which introduces Lake Baikal and its potential for research in limnology, geology, and global climate change. 该情况说明书是由美国地质勘探部制定的,它介绍了贝加尔湖的情况以及它对湖沼水文学、地质学和全球气候变化研究的潜在意义。
- I attended a conference on disarmament last week. 我上周参加了一个裁军会议。
- A fact sheet from the State Department touting the virtues of the Nonproliferation Treaty, including the text of the treaty and a summary of key provisions. 出自美国国务院的一张简表,说明禁止核武扩散的优点,包含了条约内容和重要条款的概要。
- Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament? 我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?
- She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament. 她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决。