- He is directly responsible for it. 他直接负责那件事。
- Directly ahead of us is the royal palace. 我们正前方就是皇宫。
- Directly photocatalytic 直接光催化
- Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar. 直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝汤是粗俗的
- His political views are directly opposed to mine. 他的政治观点与我的截然相反。
- He answered me very directly and openly. 他非常直接坦率地回答了我。
- He is directly descended from royalty. 他是皇室的直系後裔。
- Stop hedging and answer my question directly! "不要规避,直接回答我的问题!"
- I turned around and saw Jane was sitting directly behind me. 我一转身,就看见简正坐在我的后面。
- They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer. 他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。
- He should be here directly if you can wait a moment. 如果你能多等一会儿的话,他应该很快就会到的。
- Attention, please, train2 from Changsha will be in directly. 请注意!从长沙来的2次车马上就要到站了。
- The boat set sail on July5, headed directly for Annapolis. 船7月5日开航,直驶安纳波里斯。
- Situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead. 顶点的在顶点或者最高点的; 头的正上方的
- She said very little directly, but a great deal by implication. 她直接的话说了很少,但言外之意却很多。
- All representatives report (directly) to the sales department. 所有营业代表均须向销售部(直接)承担责任。
- Walk directly down the road and you'll get to the square. 沿这条路一直走,你能到广场。
- An instruction issued directly to a monitor from a user. 一种用户直接发送给监控程序的指令。
- I shall have to return to my muttons directly. 我得马上回到正题上来。
- The car sped directly to the village. 汽车一直地疾驶进入村子里。