- Thirdly, standardization and dimension reduction are performed to classify signals in each signal subspace. 再次,对每一个子空间信号特征向量进行标准化、降维和分类;
- It was shown that the SLSI approach led to drastic dimension reduction and it maintained the classification accuracy as well. SLSI可以取得好的降维效果,同时也能保证文本分类的精度。
- The results show that the proposed method used for QAR data has a good effect of dimension reduction and high rate of correct classification. 实验结果显示:把该方法用于QAR数据具有良好的降维效果和高分类正确率。
- The paper analyses the two methods in detail and deduces the relation of PCA to SVD when they are used in dimension reduction. 在模式识别的过程中,进行特征的选择有两个目标:丢弃一些对分类贡献不大的特征;
- The dimension reduction of ICA is the fundamental factor in the recognition rate and speed improvement and the modified SVM method gives an amazing result in this area. 修正SVM方法是对原有SVM方法的一个改进,借助于特征压缩后的数据集,识别效率有了很大的改善。
- An efficient method to calculate the quasi-static capacitance of the via hole structure embedded in a multilayered dielectric media named Dimension Reduction Technique(DRT) is presented. 本文采用维数缩减技术(DRT)提取了多层介质中通孔结构的准静态电容参数。
- A negative distortion method is applied to control dimensions within tolerances after weldment cooling by taking into account the dimension reduction due to welding seam shrink. 由于焊接冷却后焊缝收缩会使焊接后尺寸减小,采用反变形法能使焊接冷却后的尺寸控制在公差范围内。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- Carnaugh Map of dimension reduction 降维卡诺图
- In pattern recognition and in image processing, Feature extraction is a special form of dimensionality reduction. 在模式识别和图像处理领域中,特征提取是一种特殊的维数降阶的形式。
- Based on the Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) algorithm, a novel dimensionality reduction method called ONPE is proposed. 摘要在邻域保护嵌入算法的基础上,提出了一种新的降维方法-正交邻域保护嵌入算法。
- The Locally Linear Embedding(LLE) algorithm is an effective technique for nonlinear dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional data. 局部线性嵌入(LLE)算法是有效的非线性降维方法,时间复杂度低并具有强的流形表达能力。
- It is testified that in contrast with algorithm without dimensionality reduction,this algorithm can improve the performance signature signally. 实验结果表明,与不采用降维算法的检测方案相比,提出的方案能够显著地提高检测的准确率。
- We also describe an algorithm that allows the reconstruction and the approximation by dimensionality reduction for the original information. 还描述了一种算法,用以维数压缩对原始信息重新构造和逼近。
- Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace. 极大似然方法实现了非线性的降维,将向量压缩到一个低维空间。
- In this paper,a new dimensionality reduction method for calculating the radiant heat transfer with two dimensional characteristics was defined on the basis of a plane angle. 本文针对具有二维特征的辐射换热问题,提出一种降维处理方法。
- After dimensionality reduction to extracted eigenvector by K-L transform,genuine signatures and forgeries are distinguished through Support Vector Machines(SVM). 运用K-L变换对已提取的特征向量进行降维,最后输入支持向量机进行真伪鉴别。
- An application to meteorological data shows results similar to the one-class case as far as dimensionality reduction goes.A reasonable classification rate is also obtained. 气象应用说明,就维数压缩而论,结果与一类情况类似,并且还得到了合理的分类判断。
- This paper uses dimensionality reduction signal processing technology to get all targets’ reliable initial information based on TBD detection method in the image sequences. 摘要 在序列图像情况下,采用降维处理技术在二维空间中通过基于TBD的多帧检测算法获得了众多目标可靠的初始信息。