- integrated digital service network 综合数字服务网
- Digital Services Network 数字服务网
- Service network all over the country, providing instant services. 服务网点遍布全国,即时提供就近服务。
- A variety of digital services are offered through Nokia digital services, such as ringing tones and graphical wallpapers. 诺基亚数字服务提供多种数字服务,如铃声和图形壁纸。
- FREEDOM - An Automotive Service Network which belongs to customers. 实现自我的服务内容一个属于客户的汽车服务网络世界。
- In May 2003, Nigel was appointed to the role of CEO of Isobar, and has led its rapid expansion into the world1s leading digital services agency today. 作为英国数字营销集团的创始人之一,奈吉尔经常受邀在各项专业行业活动中发言。
- Along with the implementation of opening strategy, a global marketings and the services network of the company is been formed. 建立了完善的营销和售后服务网络,拥有稳定的客户基础,形成了全球市场的营销和服务。
- By analyzing composing principle and application of the factors of the digital services, the paper puts forward the strategy of optimizing digital services in three aspects. 通过分析数字化服务技术要素的构成原理及应用状况,提出从三个方面对服务技术进行优化的策略。
- The digital services also will be interactive, allowing participation in polls and quiz shows, improved versions of Teletext, and a choice of camera angles on some coverage. 数字服务也可以是交互式的,允许民意测验和智力竞赛的节目,文字电视广播改良后的译本和照相视角的选择。
- Nanjing Kivii Technol ygy Co., Ltd. is a computer k oftware and hardware in the development, mateting and iw nformation technology services network high-tech enterprises. 南京肯维科技有限公司是一家从事计算机软硬件开发、销售及网络信息技术服务的高新技术企业。
- With products and services network to further enrich the further expansion of the Mercedes - Benz have confidence in the market in the Southwest to achieve greater success. 随着产品的进一步丰富和服务网络的进一步拓展,梅赛德斯-奔驰有信心在西南市场取得更大的成功。
- Bowis and pass the freight has been in Europe, America, Japan and Southeast Asia to build a building the size of the agent has the relevant services network. 并且易士通货运已在欧美、日本及东南亚建立起一个建有相关规模的代理服务网络。
- Welcome to visit the Dutch whole world carrier pigeon advisory service network! 欢迎访问荷兰全球信鸽咨询服务网!
- To create a nationwide service network is therefore an important task. 所以如何建立全国的维修服务网络将是一个重要的工作。
- Within two years, he wants a full Landwind service network across Europe . 他本人期望在两年内建立一个遍布欧洲的陆风汽车服务网络。
- HDSL access technology can transmit E1 signal over existing subscriber Copper twist pair lines, it is an economical and effective solution for high bit rate digital services to access into telecommunication networks. 高速数字用户线(HDSL)技术利用现有的用户双绞铜线作媒介传输E1速率信号,是把高速数字业务接入到电信网的一种经济有效的解决方法。
- The invention of the Web brought an extraordinary expansion of digital services to millions of amateur computer users, including color text and pages, formatted text, pictures, animations, video, and sound. 万维网的发明带来了为数以百万计的业余计算机使用者提供的数字化服务的非常扩展,包括彩色文本和网页、格式化文本、图片、动画、视频和声音。
- As regards economy, early studies suggested that digital services offered significant advantages since a substantial quantity of interface equipment in the telephone exchange could be eliminated. 至于经济性,早期的研究表明,由于数字业务可以省掉电话交换中大量的接口设备,因而具有重要的优势。
- They can also provide better distribution and service networks. 它们还能提供更好的分配和服务网络。
- Digital service desalts the relationship between the users and the librarians because of its self-service. 数字化服务由于其自助式的特点,淡化了用户和馆员之间的关系。