- Yu T J, Zhang L, Gu S Y, Li T, E W D, Wang Z H.Effects of different planting density and nitrogen rates on biological yield and agricultural traits of silage maize dongqing1. 于天江;张林;谷思玉;李陶;鄂文弟;王振华.;种植密度和施氮水平对东清一号青贮玉米生物产量及农艺性状的影响
- Comparison on the Biomass and Economic Benefits among Cinnamomum cassia with Different Planting Densities 肉桂不同造林密度生物量及经济效益比较
- Study on Starch Yield of Middle-early Mature and High Starch Corn in Different Plant Densities 密度对中早熟高淀粉玉米品种淀粉产量的影响
- Plant Growth and Grain Yield Formation under Different Tillage Patterns and Different Planting Densities in the System of Rice Intensification 不同耕作方式和栽培密度下强化栽培水稻的生长发育与产量形成
- Effects of Uniconazole on Nitrogen Distribution and Grain Protein at Late Growing Stage of Wheat with Different Planting Densities 烯效唑对不同种植密度小麦后期氮素分配及籽粒蛋白质的影响
- Different planting densities 不同密度
- The Relativity between Fruit Yield and Value and Different Parts in Solar-greenhouse and Different Planting Densities in Long-term Growing Tomato in Solar Greenhouse in North China 日光温室番茄长季节栽培定植密度和温室部位与产量产值的相关性
- Research on different plant density of short-fruit-branch cotton 短果枝棉不同种植密度研究
- Primary report of studies on the photosynthesis characteristics of the pineapple in different planting density 不同种植密度菠萝的光合特性研究初报
- Influence of Different Planting Density on Vegetation Recovering Speed of Keen Grass 皇草不同种植密度对植被恢复速度的影响
- Study on Rice Physiological Characters for Different Planting Density after Earing 不同密度水稻抽穗后生理特性的研究
- The tracheid form and radial variance of Masson pine in different planting density 不同造林密度对马尾松管胞形态及其径向变异的影响
- Study on the Correlation Between the Anthesis-silking Interval and Grain Yield of Maize in Different Planting Density 不同密度玉米品种雌雄穗开花间隔与产量相关性的研究
- Effect of the Different Planting Density on the Corn Yield Character and Relevant Cultivation Technique 不同密度对玉米产量性状及配套技术的影响
- Auto-regulate on Characteristics of Source and Sink under Different Planting Density of Xinjiang Spring Maize 新疆春玉米源库性状的群体调节作用
- Influence of different planting density on growth and development of canopy dynamics in castor 蓖麻不同种植密度对群体生育动态的影响
- Patulin content in apple juice concentrate varies in different planting areas. 不同地区所产苹果浓缩汁中棒曲霉素含量不同。
- Study on Image Processing of Leaf Pattern Characteristic of Phaseolus vulgaris L's at Different Plant Density 种植密度对芸豆叶形态特征影响的图像处理研究
- For both sapwood and wetwood basal area, there were highly significant differences at various planting densities. 对边材面积和湿心材面积影响均达极显著水平。
- Measuration and Anti-fungal Study of Polyphenols in Different Plant Materials. 不同植物材料总多酚的测定及抑菌特性研究。