- The Effect of Different Cultivation Measures on Yield and Arteannuin Content of Artemisia annua L. 不同栽培措施对黄花蒿产量和青蒿素含量的影响。
- This paper reports the field study in the different cultivation to control wheat diseases and faba bean disease. 进行了小麦与大麦、小麦与蚕豆间栽和不同小麦品种混播,研究不同栽培技术在控制病害中的作用。
- The effect of different cultivation treatment on growth in Zantedeschia was studied in the greenhouse. 摘要以引进的彩色马蹄莲品种为材料,利用不同栽培处理对其在温室中的生长影响进行了初步研究。
- Effect of different cultivation patterns on spring corn of Asiatic corn Borer in Jiangsu coastal area was studied in this paper. 研究了江苏沿海地区春玉米不同栽培方式对亚洲玉米螟的影响。
- HPLC fingerprint techniques was used for integrate evaluation of multiple active components in different parts of Echinacea different species from different cultivation areas. 用HPLC指纹图谱技术对不同产地、不同品种、不同部位的松果菊样品的多个活性成分进行综合评价,筛选出花为建模对象,合成出紫花松果菊花的标准指纹图谱模型。 用DAD最大值化技术和蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD)评估检测结果并验证指纹图谱的信息量。
- The sequencing of damages of Gymnema under different cultivation circumstances was cultivation in shed>cultivation in forest edge>50% shading cultivation>field cultivation. 不同栽培环境中匙羹藤受寒害由轻到重的是大棚内栽培>林缘栽培>盖50%25遮阴网栽培>大田栽培;
- There was no significant difference in CW of cochineal insects derived from different cultivation areas and harvest seasons. 不同气候类型、收虫季节的胭脂虫蜡无显著性差异;
- The mycorrhiza technology with different cultivation ways for major commercial timber species was developed. It has been disseminated in 28 provinces (autonomous regions) of China. 创造了主要工业用材树种不同培育方式菌根化技术,形成了系统的菌根化育苗造林新工艺。在我国28省(区)、市推广应用。
- In the first study ever to look at retention of minerals and trace elements, animals were fed a diet consisting of crops grown using three different cultivation methods in two seasons. 在开始的研究中,为了观察矿物质和微量元素的含量,他们用两个季节三种培育方法种植的农作物喂养实验动物。
- OBJECTIVE To reveal the influence of different cultivation methods on sclerotium forming from hyphae of Grifola umbellata cultivated with companion fungus. 目的阐明在伴生菌的作用下,不同栽培方法对猪苓菌丝形成菌核的影响。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- Allozyme analysis in different cultivated populations of Isatis indigotica Fort. 菘蓝不同栽培居群的等位酶分析。
- Greenhouse with different cultivation years 不同年限大棚
- Objective To investigate the different Leishmania spp. promastigote transformation to amastigotes in different cultivated conditions in vitro. 观察不同种株利什曼原虫前鞭毛体在不同体外培养条件下向无鞭毛体的转化。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- CONCLUSION:The bands of cytochrome oxidase in involucre of Safflower could distinguish different cultivated population at the molecular level. 结论:红花苞叶细胞色素氧化酶谱带可以从分子水平鉴别不同的栽培居群;
- Based on the theory of module construction, branching pattern plasticity of Atyiplex canescen in different cultivated densities were studied. 摘要利用植物种群的构件结构理论,对不同栽培密度下四翅滨藜分枝格局可塑性进行了研究。
- On the basis of investigation, the symptom and development regularity of the mosaic virus in L. chinense var. rubrum under the different cultivated ways were represented. 作者在进行了大量调查研究的基础上,对不同栽培方式下红檵木花叶病毒病的表现特征和发展规律进行了研究。
- Abstract : Based on different cultivating ways of rice,the biological traits of stubbing and fructifying for subaqueous red sprangletop were investigated and researched. 摘要 : 本文调查和研究了不同水稻栽培方式下千金子湿生体的成株与结实的生物学特性。
- The plant associations were also obvious unlike in different cultivated areas.The association was single, where Vallisineria spiralis L. and Hydrilla verticillata (L. 在围网养殖区,群丛比较单一,主要是苦草和黑藻群丛,伴生植物简单,而且出现了危害极强的外来种凤眼莲和水花生。