- The two are different in nature. 两者在本质上有区别。
- The two issues are entirely different in nature. 这两个问题的性质完全不同。
- In fact, camphor and naphthalene balls are different in nature. 事实上,樟脑和臭丸在性质上是不同的。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Chinese grammar is a thing different in nature from English grammar. 中国语的语法从本质上异于英语语法。
- It is one of the strangest things in nature. 那可真是奇怪的东西之一。
- The two things look alike in appearance,but they are quite different in nature. 这两个东西外表看起来很像,但性质是不同的。
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- If these problems -- which differ in nature -- are not handled promptly and unhesitatingly as required in each individual case but instead are allowed to spread and then converge, our stability and unity will be seriously undermined. 如果不及时地、有区别地给以坚决处理,而听任上述各种不同性质的问题蔓延汇合起来,就会对安定团结的局面造成很大的危害。
- If these problems -- which differ in nature -- are not handled promptly and unhesitatingly as required in each individual case but instead are allowed to spread and then converge,our stability and unity will be seriously undermined. 如果不及时地、有区别地给以坚决处理,而听任上述各种不同性质的问题蔓延汇合起来,就会对安定团结的局面造成很大的危害。
- In nature, all animals are wild and free. 在自然界,一切动物都是野生的,自由自在的。
- A difference in wage rate or in price. 工资级差工资或价格上的差异
- As expansion and consolidation differ in nature,and as the military dispositions and other tasks will differ accordingly,an effective solution of the problem is possible only if we alternate the emphasis according to time and circumstances. 因为二者的性质不同,军事部署和工作执行随之而不同,必须依情况分时期有所侧重,才能很好地解决这个问题。
- The two plans differ in one major respect. 这两个计划在一个主要方面有所不同。
- Combative in nature; belligerent. 好战的本性好斗的; 交战的
- There's not much difference in price between the two computers. 这两种计算机价格没多大差别。
- As expansion and consolidation differ in nature, and as the military dispositions and other tasks will differ accordingly, an effective solution of the problem is possible only if we alternate the emphasis according to time and circumstances. 因为二者的性质不同,军事部署和工作执行随之而不同,必须依情况分时期有所侧重,才能很好地解决这个问题。
- These disturbances were different in nature from those of September 18,1985,when students also took to the streets. 这次闹事的性质同前年“九一八”时学生上街不同。
- Exercise has made a difference in her health. 锻炼使她的健康有显著的改变
- These disturbances were different in nature from those of September 18, 1985, when students also took to the streets. 这次闹事的性质同前年“九一八”时学生上街不同。