- Died without sign of disease 无疾病征象死亡
- Indicating a symptom or condition perceived as a sign of disease by someone other than the person affected. 客观的,他觉的显示出由他人而非患者本人觉察出疾病迹象的症状或状态的
- A touch of white here, a rosy tinge there, or some rippling or bumps may be a sign of disease in the body. 这儿一块白,那儿一块玫瑰色,或者一些波纹或结节性红斑可能就是体内疾病的体征。
- Unfortunate is, died without a few days of burro. 不幸的是,没有几天驴子就死了。
- Kissing also conveys information about health status, since bad breath can be a sign of disease or ill-health. 接吻还能传达出一个人的健康状况,因为口臭是疾病或健康不佳的一种表现。
- I can die without the help of doctors. 没有一生的帮忙,我也可以死。
- All the vaccinated mice survived with no signs of disease. 所有接种过的老鼠都活下来了,没有疾病的迹象。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- The joints were stable, without signs of swelling, tenderness, dysfunction and impingement on the intercondylar notch. 无肿胀、疼痛和膝关节功能障碍,无髁间窝撞击征表现,术后功能恢复满意。
- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。
- After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease. 战乱之后瘟疫又接踵而来。
- He wore crape as a sign of mourning. 他戴着黑纱表示哀悼。
- If old John died without an heir, his property would revert to the state. 如果老约翰死后无继承人,他的财产将归国家所有。
- There's no sign of him mending his ways. 看不出他有改进生活方式的迹象。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- He removed his hat as a sign of reverence. 他脱下帽子表示敬意。
- He died without providing for his widow. 他死了,没有为他的寡妻留下任何东西。
- What kind of disease did your father die of? 您父亲是如何去世的?
- He died without knowing his natural mother. 他至死都不知道自己的生母是谁。