- Diameter range of work piece 工件加工直径
- Select collet of working piece, which match the size of pearl. 选择与珍珠规格相配的工件夹头。
- It can reach mirror shining, and maintain the size and precision of work piece. 可达镜面加工,并保有加工物尺寸精度。
- Max outer diameter of work piece 加工最大工件外径
- This piece of work will do credit to you. 这篇作品将会使你获好殊荣。
- It was an average piece of work. 那是一件普通的产品。
- Mainly applied in finest buffing of work piece and the manufacture of the most advanced. 主要用于工件高精度抛光、抛光膏制造等。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- To vary the pace and tone of your reading to suit a wide range of stories over almost half an hour is a hard job of work. 要在半个多小时内以不同的速度和声调来朗读题材各不相同的故事真是一项艰难的工作。
- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- Carbo Super Finishing Stick uses the effect of pressurization and swing with forward and backward to make the surface of work piece mirror shinning. 超精砂条研磨是利用加压及往覆式摆振作用将工作物表面镜面化研磨处理。
- Come and see our range of gardening tools. 来瞧瞧我们的成套园艺工具吧。
- Mainly applied in finer buffing, porphyzing and blasting of work piece, manufacture of advanced fire-resistant materias and rubbing paste. 主要用于工件较精细的抛光、研磨、喷砂;高级耐火材料、抛光膏制造等。
- The less thermal effect for a processing object reduces the deformation of work piece and maintains the hardness of work piece. 对加工物热效应少,减少工件变形及维持工件硬度。
- It came within my range of vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。
- The system offers work piece counting function. The number of work piece will be added one at the time when trimming is executed. 本系统已内建自动计件器,每一次切线之后,计件器会自动加一。
- A range of hills rose on their left. 连绵的小山耸立在他们的左侧。
- Dual CCD stereoscopic vision calibration with high precision is the key technology to gain high precision dimension measure of work piece. 摘要双目立体视觉的有效现场标定是实现高精度工件尺寸测量的关键技术。
- She is still within range of my gun. 她仍在我枪炮的射程之内。
- Di-rect quenching of work piece through precooling can reduce hot deformation and improve strength and toughness of the core, It prevents ... 结果还表明,工件预冷直接淬火可以减小热处理变形,还能提高心部强韧性,防止表面局部氧化脱碳,有利于提高点接触疲劳寿命。