- New economic development policies led to substantial and rapid growth. 新的经济发展政策带来了快速和大量的增长。
- Africa one of its biggest development policy challenges. 非洲是它最大的发展政策挑战之一。
- Under the Health of Animal Actand Regulations, the import program uses science-based risk assessment to develop policies and protocols for importation. 在动物健康法及其规章框架下,进口计划使用科学的风险评估方法来完善进口政策和协议。
- While we must develop policies to meet the challenges faced by these workers, we must also take care not to undercut the substantial economy-wide benefits of trade. 一方面我们必须采取措施帮助这些工人面对挑战,另一方面我们也要注意不要忽视了贸易在大范围经济层面带来的利益。
- The partition method of fracture-vug unit and different development policies for different kinds of unit were put forward due to the high heterogeneity. 针对塔河四区缝洞型油藏非均质严重的特点提出了缝洞单元的划分方法和以缝洞单元为研究对象,实施差异性开发的动态分析思路;
- Many of these initiatives are still in the early stages, but there is a significant trend towards incorporating FOSS into procurement and development policies. 许多这样的项目还处于早期阶段,但明显的趋势是将自由/开源软件作为自有体系和开发政策的一部分。
- From the analysis in the paper, we put forward some development policies and suggestion to extravert mariculture which suit the present of our country and sustainable development. 通过全文的分析,提出适合我国现状和可持续发展思想的海水养殖业发展政策和建议。
- Development Policies in the West China, Development Policies for CoastlineCities, Border Area Policies and China-ASEAN FTA policies, foreseeing a bright future. 广西北部湾开发投资有限责任公司 版权所有 | 技术支持:桂能软件...
- And it has developed policies in a wide range of fields to this end. 并为此在许多领域都制定了政策。
- The Delegation also believed that the proposal reaffirmed the fundamental principles that development policies were ultimately contingent upon the policies and objectives of individual countries themselves. 该代表团同时还相信,该提案还确认了发展政策最终依赖各国自身的政策和目标这一基本原则。
- This paper discusses five problems of library digital collection development policy,and introduces the policies of University of California Library. 探讨了在制定数字馆藏发展政策时中应注意的5个问题,并介绍了美国加州大学图书馆制定的数字馆藏发展政策。
- He graduated from Haerbin Normal University and People's University of China, and has been working in the governmental offices focusing his research on economic and social development policies. 先后毕业于哈尔滨师范大学和中国人民大学,长期在国家机关工作,并从事经济社会发展政策研究。
- Prior to this, as the competent authority, whether the permission for private capital to pass in or out of the military industry or the development policies, both of which need the NDC’s approval. 在此之前,作为主管部门,无论是民间资本进出军工领域,还是军工的发展政策,都需经过国防科工委的批准。
- What are some of the root causes of inequality world-wide and why do poverty, economic transformations and development policies often have different consequences for women and men? 世界各地不平等的根本原因究竟为何?何以贫穷、经济转变以及发展政策常对于男性与女性有不同之影响?
- Recently, China Western Development policy was adopted to boost spectacular economic development in Xinjiang. 由于天然资源丰富,并得益于国务院的西部大开发政策,近年来新疆经济发展迅速。
- Megan Davy is a research assistant at AEI.Mauro De Lorenzo is the editor of AEI's Development Policy Outlook series. 另一方面,美国则可以通过增加政策重点,在拉美的转变过程中发挥重大作用。
- The article on the Wuhan City to promote green consumption and speed up the cycle of economic development policy study. 文中就武汉市推进绿色消费方式,加快循环经济发展的政策进行了研究探讨。
- Links to climate change reporting, aimed at environment and development policy makers. 针对环境发展的政策决策者,提供气候变化报告。
- Are “randomised evaluations” a better way of doing aid and development policy? 随机评估是一个更好的制定援助与发展策略的方法吗?
- Knowledgeable in current and developing policies, industry trends, and moreover stays abreast of information which could affect and influence the organization. 对于现在和将来的市场政策、行业趋势以及其它可能对公司产生影响的信息了然于胸。