- The detection of outlier is very important in chemistry and chemical engineering which emphasizes experimentation and data acquisition. 摘要局外点检测对于注重试验和数据采集的化学化工领域,其重要性不可忽视。
- Detection of Outliers from Spacecraft Tracking Data using GP-RBF Network GP-RBF网络应用于飞行器外测数据野值实时剔除
- Early detection of cancers is vitally important. 癌症的早期查出是极为重要的。
- The PCR detection of karnal bunt of wheat. 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌PCR检测。
- Detection of Cola beverage by electronic nose. 可乐饮料的电子鼻检测研究。
- Selection and hit detection of embedded objects. 嵌入对象的选择和命中检测。
- Generation and detection of the DTMF signals. DTMF信号的产生和检测。
- The detection of crime is not always easy. 侦查罪行并非易事。
- This method is applicable for the detection of BPO. 本方法对检测过氧化苯甲酰具有应用价值。
- Detection of Outliers 异常值检测
- Rapid detection of all blips earns a high score. 能很快发现所有的光点就能得高分。
- Impact on detection of depression? 侦查抑郁症的影响?
- A method of outlier detection in re-gression is proposed making use of the character of structure risk function and KT condition in support vector regres-sion in this paper. 该文利用支持向量回归算法中结构风险函数的性质以及KT条件,提出一种回归中的异常值检测方法。
- Detection of {Clostridium} perfringens spores. 英文标题: (Edible gelatine.
- The experiments conducted on the real-world datasets show that definition of the degree of outlier is reasonable and the outlier detection ... 针对真实数据集的实验表明,可信度和离群度的定义是合理的,稀有时间序列检测算法是有效的。
- Outliers exist in real dataset unavoidably,the detecting and eliminating of outlier is important in Data Mining. 在现实数据集中不可避免地存在噪声,如何检测并去除噪声是数据挖掘中的一项重要研究内容。
- Detection of Resistances to Procymidone in Botrytis cinerea Per. 灰霉病原菌对速克灵的抗性监测。
- Experimental results show that the proposed AEPSVR can reduce the affect of outliers, and have the very good generalization capability. 实验表明,该支撑向量回归机AEPSVR能显著地降低离群点的影响,具有良好的泛化性能。
- Detection of metastatic focals of thyroid carcinoma. 甲状腺癌转移灶的探测。
- Early detection of the cancer improves the chance of cure. 及早发现此症可增加治愈的机会。