- The sun sometimes spoils the propagation of radio waves. 太阳有时会影响无线电波的传播。
- We directed radio waves around the globe. 我们向全球发射无线电波。
- These radio waves are coming at 15000 hertz. 这些无线电波以每秒 15 千赫的波长发出。
- The universe is bathed in a sea of radio waves. 宇宙浸泡在无线电波的海洋中。
- Radio waves travel in straight lines. 无线电波是直线传播的。
- Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves. 海因里希。赫兹制造出无线电波。
- We consider radio waves as radiant energy. 我们把无线电波看作是辐射能。
- Radio waves are regarded as radiant energy. 无线电波被看成是辐射能。
- The next page explains radio waves and modulation. 下一页解释无线电波和调变。
- This page describes radio waves and modulation. 本页描述无线电波和调变。
- Radio waves could be reflected from solid objects. 无线电波可以被坚固的物体反射。
- The radio waves cause molecules in the food to vibrate. 无线电波使食物中的分子发生振动。
- The original current set up by the radio waves is very feeble. 无线电波产生的初始电流很弱。
- The year is 1887, and Heinrich Hertz is generating radio waves. 这是1887年,31岁的赫兹正在制造无线电波。
- To be guided to a target automatically,as by means of radio waves. 自动导向通过无线电波被自动导向某一目标。
- An equipment to send out radio waves is called transmitter. 发射无线电波的设备被称为发射机。
- I work here; turn here; radio waves received here on Earth. 我在这儿工作;转过来;这儿总会接受到无线电波的。
- To be guided to a target automatically, as by means of radio waves. 自动导向通过无线电波被自动导向某一目标
- These radio waves radiate out in straight lines from the antenna. 这些无线电波从天线以直线向外辐射。
- This involves bombarding an object with radio waves. 这种方法涉及用无线电波引爆物体的过程。