- Desert Storm operation 沙漠风暴行动
- I see that you flew in Desert Storm. 我发现你在“沙漠风暴”行动中飞过,
- He accidentally crashes the Exxon Valdez, helps destroy the Berlin Wall, and fights in Operation Desert Storm. 他不小心碰撞埃克森尔迪兹,帮助摧毁柏林墙,并反对在沙漠风暴行动。
- In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm. 在过去的几年中,我已经看过一些大制作的电影,从《特洛伊战争》到《沙漠风暴》他们都是关于重大的悲壮战争。
- Mack: Actually, thats a typo. I drew over in Desert Storm. 麦克:事实上,这是个打印错误。我在“沙漠风暴”期间是画画的。
- SEALS were active in both the Korean and Vietnam wars as well as in Grenada, Persian Gulf (1987), panama (1989), and recently in Operation Desert Storm. 海豹突击队在朝鲜战争和越战中出尽风头,在格林纳达战役、波斯湾战争(1987)、巴拿马战争(1989)和最近的“沙漠风暴行动”中也是屡建奇功。
- At the beginning of 1991, famous "operation desert storm" motion in namely, USA marine corps in is accepting each brutal prewar training in the Saudi Arabia military base. 1991年初,著名的“沙漠风暴”行动在即,美海军陆战队在驻沙特阿拉伯军事基地接受着各项残酷的战前训练。
- Following the debacle of Operation Desert Storm, America's crushingly efficient counter-thrust, Saddam hastened to burnish his tarnished lustre by switching to a new posture as a champion of Islam. 被“沙漠风暴行动”击溃之后,成为美国眼中钉的萨达姆俨然又成了伊斯兰教的捍卫者,再度大放异彩。
- It was through the operations of "Desert Shield", "Desert Storm" and "Desert Saber". 通过"沙漠盾牌","沙漠风暴"和"沙漠军刀"行动的实施。
- An excellent example of this is Desert Storm,where for the first time,we used stealth technology and for the first time,we took modern intelligence techniques to the battlefield. 这方面的一个很好的例子就是海湾战争。在这场战争中,我们首次使用了隐形技术,并首次将现代侦察技术用于战场,这些技术具有很强的能力,我们不得不研究如何运用这些技术的战术。
- It has been said such an interesting story : a sudden onset of Desert Storm, so travelers get lost in a forward direction. 曾经有人讲过这样一个耐人寻味的故事:一场突然而来的沙漠风暴使一位旅行者迷失了前进方向。
- DR.PERRY:Yes,If I focus on information technology,we're certainly not at the beginning of it-we have been introducing it now ever since before Desert Storm. 佩里:如果侧重从信息技术来说,我们确实已经不在军事革命的开始阶段,因为我们甚至在海湾战争之前就已开始使用目前这些技术。
- Operation desert storm or wild summit peak 沙漠风暴或狂野颠峰
- At that point he was reassigned to the 101st Airborne Division for Desert Storm because of his past experience as an Arabic linguist and Middle East specialist. 由于他懂得阿拉伯语,也是中东专家的关系,他被指派到“沙漠风漠”行动中的第101空运分割线。
- Operations Just Cause and Desert Storm confirmed for many that short, decisive wars.in which airpower proved central if not decisive.would be the norm from 1992 on. “正义行动”和“沙漠风暴”等军事行动让许多人确信,以空中力量作为即便不是决定因素但也是核心的快速和决定性战役自1992年以后应当成为常规模式。
- It is widely believed that the strange phenomenon of the produce, because of ancient Egypt in the dry climate and strong sense of Desert Storm that the Sphinx has been weathering. 人们普遍认为,这一奇特的现象的产生,是因为古埃及地区干燥的气候和强烈的沙漠风暴使狮身人面像受到了风化。
- Now you will see change gradually over time,and the American forces have changed quite significantly over the last 10 years,really,since,say,before the Wall5 came down,before Desert Storm,before the Iraq situation,and today. 随着时间的推移,你将会逐步看到这种变化。在过去的10年里,从柏林墙倒下前和沙漠风暴前至今,美国军队确实已经发生了相当巨大的变化。
- The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨之后是一片沉静。
- Thunder and Lightning: The Battles of Operation Desert Storm 电闪雷鸣:沙漠风暴战役
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。