- Derbesia neglectan. 德氏藻
- Any of various songbirds of the genus Sturnella of North America, especially S. magna, the eastern meadowlark, and S. neglecta, the western meadowlark, having brownish plumage, a yellow breast, and a black crescent-shaped marking beneath the throat. 草地鹨一种产于北美洲的草地鹨属鸣鸟,尤指东部草地鹨的东美草地鹨,和西部草地鹨的西美草地鹨,长有深褐色羽毛,胸部为黄色,喉部下面有黑色新月形标记
- macula sacculus papilla neglecta 球囊黄斑乳头忽视
- Derbesia pacifican. 太平洋德氏藻
- Derbesia tenuissiman. 极细德氏藻
- any of various songbirds of the genus Sturnella of North America,especially S. magna,the eastern meadowlark,and S. neglecta,the western meadowlark,having brownish plumage,a yellow breast,and a black crescent-shaped marking beneath the throat 草地鹨,一种产于北美洲的草地鹨属鸣鸟,尤指东部草地鹨的东美草地鹨,和西部草地鹨的西美草地鹨,长有深褐色羽毛,胸部为黄色,喉部下面有黑色新月形标记
- Derbesia corallicolan. 栖珊瑚德氏藻
- Derbesia marinan. 海生德氏藻
- Catocala neglectan. 遗裳夜蛾
- Lemyra neglectan. 白望灯蛾
- Derbesia ryukyuensisn. 硫球德氏藻
- Derbesian. 德氏藻属(德氏藻科)
- Impatiens neglectan. 浙皖凤仙花
- Rhabdammina neglectan. 落选砂棒虫
- Derbesia lamourouxiin. 拉氏德氏藻
- Sturnella neglectan. 西美草地鹨(拟黄鹂科)
- Deyeuxia neglectan. 小花野青茅
- Crocidura neglectan. 遗麝鼩
- Aesculus Neglecta 着色七叶树(七叶树科)
- Angiopteris neglectan. 边生观音座莲