- Deputy Local Naval Commander 当地海军区副司令
- Local Naval Commander 当地海军司令
- An Indonesian naval commander said metal objects had been located on the seabed at three locations, Reuters reported. 一名印尼海军官员说,金属物在大陆架的3个位置有发现。
- In the early fall Admire Ramsay was relieved by the British Chief of Staff as the naval commander of the expedition. 秋初,雷姆赛海军上将被英国参谋总长免去远征军海军总司令之职。
- Admiral Sir George Rooke, English naval commander, was born at St Lawrence, near Canterbury in 1650. 海军上将乔治鲁克爵士于1650年出生于坎特布雷附近的圣劳伦斯。
- Three years later he embarked his army in ships assembled by Lord Cochrane, a brilliant, if self-serving, British naval commander operating as a privateer, and landed in Peru. 三年后,他带领军队搭乘科克伦勋爵(LordCochrane)的船队来到秘鲁。(科克伦勋爵尽管有些自私自利,但确是一名杰出的英国海军指挥官,他指挥了一支劫掠船队。)
- Naval commanders accused the foreign boats of dangerous manoeuvres. 海军指挥官谴责外国船只的危险行为。
- The Atlantic Naval Command has four patrol boats, all bought second-hand, more than 30 years old and in need of refurbishment. 大西洋海军司令部有4艘巡逻舰,都是超过30年,需要好好翻修的二手货。
- Escallop Shell - One who has made long journeys or voyages to far countries, who had borne considerable naval command or who had gained great victories. 扇贝壳-曾有过远渡异国他乡经历的人,或是有杰出的海军指挥能力,或是功绩卓越的人。
- Sureesh Mehta, the chief of the Naval Staff, and attended by senior officers from the three naval command headquarters: the Andaman and Nicobar Command, and the Navy's two fleets. 主持会议的是印度海军参谋长梅赫塔,与会人员包括了印度三个海军司令部(安达曼和尼克巴群岛司令部以及海军的两只舰队)的高级官员。
- American naval commanders were running the government of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. 美国的海军指挥官们掌管着多米尼加共和国和海地政府。
- Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Forces 盟军远征军海军指挥官
- I'm acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. 我在校长回来前代行他的职务。
- She's been downgraded (from principal) to deputy. 她已(从校长)降为副校长。
- He is the deputy mayor of the city. 他是本市的副市长。
- Moscow deputy mayor survives shooting. 莫斯科副市长遭暗杀未遂。
- Son of the 4th duke of Norfolk, Howard held naval commands and distinguished himself in the attack on the Spanish Armada (1588). 诺福克公爵第四之子,曾担任海军指挥官,并在袭击西班牙无敌舰队中表现突出(1588)。
- By convention the deputy leader is always a woman. 按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由女子担任。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。