- David.Robert Deputy Director General of Mississippi Biloxi City of U. 美国密西西比州比洛克西市消防局副局长大卫。
- Zhang Jianguo, Deputy Director General, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs? 国家外国专家局副局长?
- Came 1980 Jilin saved the first light industry 1981 bureau deputy director general. 1980年至1981年吉林省第一轻工业局副局长。
- Following the director general, there are the deputy director general, section chief, supply chief and clerk. 局长以次分别是副局长、科长、股长、办事员。
- For the beginning of this meeting, Deputy Director General Zhang Zhijun first expresses warmly welcome to all the attendees of the meeting. 会议一开始,苏州市科技局副局长张志军表达了对各方教授和企业领导的热烈欢迎。
- On Oct18 th, Mr Wu Jiaxi, deputy director of Economic& Trade Commission of Zhejiang Province, director general of Medium and Small-sized Enterprise Bureau, inspected VIE Group. 月18日,浙江省经贸委副主任、中小企业局局长吴家曦(二)一行考察万安。图为总裁陈锋正在给吴局长介绍万安发展情况。
- Ms. Zheng Jinlan, the vice secretary of Weifang city and Mr. Shi Wanxin, the deputy director general of the board of education of Weifang city are inspecting the school. 市委副书记郑金兰、市教育局时万信副局长来校视察、指导工作。
- The session was opened by Mr. Geoffrey Yu, Deputy Director General of WIPO, who welcomed the participants on behalf of the Director General of WIPO, Dr. Kamil Idris. WIPO副总干事余寿谷先生代表WIPO总干事卡米尔·伊德里斯博士宣布会议开幕,并对与会者表示欢迎。
- The agreement was signed by Ms. Zhang Yingxin, Deputy Director General, Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM, and Michael Charlton, CEO of Think London. 该备忘录由中国商务部投资促进事务局副局长张迎新女士和伦敦投资局局长迈克尔。
- Classics of article of Lijin of Ma Yuan of director of bureau of Guangxi power industry, deputy director general, Xiao Jiusheng, Xie Zheng, Lin Ronghua. 广西电力工业局局长马远、副局长李锦文、肖久生、谢正经、林荣华。
- These green barriers not only change the look of Beijing but also defend against the desert, said Wang Sumei, deputy director general of the Capital Forestation Commission. 首都造林委员会的负责人王素梅说:“这些绿色的屏障不仅改变了北京的面貌,而且可以抵御沙漠。”
- Subprefect of king of government of the county austral deputy director general of bureau of province aquatic product Comrade Han Zhenjiu, Luan attended the meeting and spoke. 省水产局副局长韩振九同志、滦南县政府王副县长出席了会议并讲了话。
- They also welcomed the new Deputy Director General and the new Assistant Directors General. 它们还对新任副总干事和新任助理总干事表示欢迎。
- WIPO Deputy Director General, Francis Gurry, says South Korea, which experienced an 18.8 percent growth, overtook France to become the fourth country of origin for Patent Cooperation Treaty filings. 世界知识产权组织副总干事弗朗西斯.;古利说,韩国的专利申请增加了18
- Vice-president of Shanghai Construction (Group) General Co., Senior engineer (professorship), LA master, Former deputy director general of the Shanghai Landscaping Administration Bureau. 陈敏,男,风景园林专业硕士,原上海市绿化林业局副局长,现任上海建工集团副总经理,教授级高级工程师。
- Yang Guoqing of deputy director general of civil aviaton total bureau says: The 8 big projects of informatization of civil aviaton of fluorene Jian this? go well, majority project effect is apparent. 民航总局副局长杨国庆说:总体来说,民航信息化的八大工程进展顺利,绝大部分项目效果明显。
- Xu makes the same score deputy director general of Xiamen city science and technology east chaired opening ceremony, xie Chonggeng of Xiamen city deputy mayor serves as Amphitryon opening speech. 厦门市科技副局长徐平东主持了开幕仪式,厦门市副市长叶重耕作为东道主开幕致辞。
- Interviewed Henan to save statistical bureau designedly for this print journalist investment of province of standing deputy director general, Henan yields office director Comrade Miao Chenghong. 为此本刊记者特意采访了河南省统计局常务副局长、河南省投入产出办公室主任缪盛鸿同志。
- They also wished to pay tribute to the two outgoing Deputy Directors General, Ambassador Mrs. Rita Hayes and Mr. Geoffrey Yu. 它们还向大使丽塔·海斯女士和余寿谷先生两位即将离任的副总干事致意。
- It also paid tribute to the outgoing Deputy Directors General and looked forward to cooperate with the new management team. 它还向即将离任的两位副总干事表示敬意,并期待着同WIPO新的管理班子携手合作。