- Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe 日内阁官房副长官安倍晋三
- Advisor: Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary for Crisis Management 顾问:负责危机管理的副总内阁秘书长
- Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary 日内阁官房副长官
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura of Japan said he believed in UFOs. 日本最高政府发言人于本周二表示,他相信不明飞行物(ufo: Unidentified Flying Object)的存在。
- Japan's chief cabinet secretary, Yasuhisa Shiozaki, said Thursday the U.N. 日本内阁官房长官盐崎恭久星期四说,联合国安理会正准备向平壤发出强烈信息。
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda held a news conference announcing Koizumi's decision to visit North Korea. 内阁官房长官福田康夫也举行记者招待会宣布了小泉访朝的决定。
- Fukuda was serving as chief Cabinet secretary at the time for Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is divorced. 福田在小泉纯一郎任日本首相期间担任内阁官房长官,而小泉首相当时已经离婚。
- The chief cabinet secretary has impeccable nationalist credentials, so might be expected to compound the mess. 这位内阁官房长官是个不折不扣的民族主义者,因此不要期望他能调和矛盾。
- And Yasuhisa Shiozaki, a former chief cabinet secretary, has not accepted Mr Watanabe's entreaties to join him. 前官房长官盐崎恭久也拒绝了渡边一同退党的要求。
- "As a member of the international society, we have a role to play," says Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda. “作为国际社会的一个成员,我们有义务参加,”日本内阁秘书福田康夫说。
- Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yasuhiso Shiozaki, said Wednesday that the two sides will meet in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, March seventh and eighth. 日本内阁官房长官盐崎宫久星期三说,双方3月7号和8号将在越南首都河内会晤。
- After he became a politician, Fukuda is said to have handled most of his campaigning activities while he was chief Cabinet secretary. 据说,福田步入政界之后,其大多数的竞选活动都是在他任内阁官房长官期间开展的。
- Japan added its praise. "We want to offer our congratulations for the success from the bottom of our heart," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said. 日本也对此作出了赞扬。日本内阁官房长官福田康夫说道:“我们从心底祝贺此次发射成功!”
- In Tokyo Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said Sasae and Wu discussed plans for the nuclear talks and bilateral relations. 在东京,官房长官盐崎恭久说佐佐江和武就核会谈和双边关系进行了讨论。
- Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said on Tuesday China should be more open over its plans for outer space. 日本官房长官岩崎宫九周二说,中国的外太空计划应更加公开。
- Japan's chief Cabinet secretary, Shinzo Abe, says the government will monitor relations with China to see if the situation improves. 日本内阁官房长官安倍晋叁说,日本政府将观察和中国的关系,看看局势是否会有所好转。
- Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe says Japan and China have agreed to discuss a dispute over the development of gas fields in the East China Sea. 日本官房长官安倍晋叁说,日本和中国已经同意就东海油气田开发的争议问题展开讨论。
- No formal handover of power to his chief cabinet secretary, Kaoru Yosano, took place, yet since his resignation nearly nothing has been heard of Mr Abe. 他的内阁官房长官与谢野馨在没有正式权力交接的情况下临时接任。
- "Naturally, we are concerned about it from the viewpoint of security as well as peaceful use of space," said Yashuhisa Shiozaki, chief cabinet secretary. 中国 的这次试验从卫星高度上看,已经超过了美国。不管是真是假,有一点是肯定的,就是中国正在强大起来。
- "The area should be under negotiations. The Japanese government expresses its regret that China is unilaterally developing the field," Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said. 日本内阁官房长官河村建夫对记者表示,“这一地区还在谈判中。日本政府对中国单方面对其开采表示遗憾。”