- Depressed Pause and Transition 沉郁顿挫
- The lines of strew and random cross each other, rapid, slow, pause and transition, which depicted the tenacity of the rocks and stones; also the mild light and shade appeared the sheer of the mountain and the depth of valley. 错落交织、疾缓顿挫的线条,刻画了大地之“骨”岩石的坚韧;明暗有度,点染得法的黛蓝与墨青透出斧劈刀的峻峭和峡谷的深邃。
- You should pause and ponder now. 你现在应该停下来仔细考虑一下。
- You all stand here at pause and silent. 你们都站在这儿别动,也别出声。
- He made a pause and then went on reading. 他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。
- He made a short pause and then went on reading. 他略顿了一下然后继续念下去。
- Pause and allow the translator to interpret. 要有停顿,以便翻译人员翻译。
- View your estimated rate and transit time. 查看估算费率和托运时间。
- My next project is Synastry and Transit. 下一个目标是和盘和推运。
- 3.The lines of strew and random cross each other, rapid, slow, pause and transition, which depicted the tenacity of the rocks and stones; 错落交织、疾缓顿挫的线条,刻画了大地之“骨”岩石的坚韧;
- Tom came to a pause and then went on writing the letter. 汤姆稍停一下,又接着写信。
- The lines of strew and random cross each other, rapid, slow, pause and transition, which depicted the tenacity of the rocks and stones; 错落交织、疾缓顿挫的线条,刻画了大地之“骨”岩石的坚韧;
- Listen to this, O Job: pause and consider God's marvels. 约伯啊!你且侧耳细听这事,立著沈思天主的奇事!
- Hence, complex monuments, edifices of gradation and transition. 由此产生了复合式建筑物,产生了过渡性的、细微差别的建筑物。
- They would do well to pause and ponder upon their new responsibilities. 人们最好还是停一停,好好地想一想自己所负的新责任。
- But pause and reflect. Marriage must always be something of a gamble. 但停下来反思,婚姻常常是一种赌博。
- Read the transcribed passages with proper pause and correct intonation. 用适当的停顿和正确的语调朗读用音标写成的段落。
- They would do well to pause and ponder upon eir new responsibilities. 人们最好还是停一停,好好地想一想自己所负的新责任。
- He paused and then went on reading. 他歇了一下然后又读下去。
- She paused and lifted up one leg. 她停下来,然后抬起了一条腿。